St. John Neumann Council #16169

Knights in Action

Welcome Brother Ryan Sobie

Please welcome St. John Neumann‘s newest member, Ryan Sobie. Ryan completed the exemplification at Monaghan council on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Congratulations and Welcome! [12/17/2024]

2024 Council Christmas Party

On December 10, 2024, council members and family gathered for our annual council Christmas party after the short council meeting. Food was provided by the council, with officers providing sides and desserts. A great time was had by all! [12/10/2024]

December 2024 Knight of the Month

At the December 2024 council meeting, brother Ron Kretschmer was recognized as the December 2024 Knight of the Month. [12/10/2024]

December 2024 Family of the Month

At the December 2024 council meeting, the Tim and Pam Timmerman family was recognized as the December 2024 Family of the Month. [12/10/2024]

2024 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Winners

Winners of the 2024 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest were announced on December 9, 2024. Winners are:

  • Kindergarten Contest – Penelope Findysz
  • 1st & 2nd Grade Contest – Paige Kasper
  • 3rd & 4th Grade Contest – Nadia Kokinasidis
  • 5th & 6th Grade Contest – Margaret Tallman
  • 7th & 8th Grade Contest – Cecilia Tallman
Winners will move on to regional judging. [12/09/2024]

Welcome Brother Keith Becker

Please welcome St. John Neumann‘s newest member, Keith Becker. Keith completed the exemplification at Renaud council on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Congratulations and Welcome! [12/03/2024]

Coats for Kids, November 16, 2024

On Saturday, November 16, 2024, Detroit area Knights and family members gathered at Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit in Detroit to distribute free coats to children that might not otherwise have a warm coat for the winter. St. John Neumann council knights turned out for this event, helping to distribute hundreds of coats. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide these new coats through the generosity of the councils in the state. [11/16/2024]

SJN Wine Tasting Event, November 15, 2024

The Second Annual SJN Wine Tasting Event was held on November 15, 2024, at St. John Neumann. Super Fine Wine & Liquor on Haggarty Rd. in Canton provided the wine for the tasting. A great time was had by all! [11/15/2024]

2024 Recruitment Recognition

At the November 2024 council meeting, GK Steve Sarlitto and archdiocesan membership director Hans Hanson received certificates from the state board recognizing them for their recruitment efforts. [11/12/2024]

November 2024 Knight of the Month

At the November 2024 council meeting, brother Ron Budzisz was recognized as the November 2024 Knight of the Month. [11/12/2024]

November 2024 Family of the Month

At the November 2024 council meeting, the Kotcher family - Vincent, Janah and Chris - was recognized as the November 2024 Family of the Month. [11/12/2024]

St. John Neumann Parish 2024 Fall Cleanup

On Saturday, November 9, 2024, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and other parish members participated in the fall clean-up of the church grounds. Flower beds were cleared and replanted, trees trimmed and general cleanup work was done to spruce up the landscaping. [11/09/2024]

Welcome Brother Ron Krupitzer

On Thursday, November 7, 2024, St. John Neumann Council 16169 welcomed new member Ron Krupitze rafter completing the Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Congratulations and welcome! [11/07/2024]

November 2024 Pancake Breakfast

On November 3, 2024, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held a pancake breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast support the good works the Knights at the church. [11/03/2024]

Build-a-Bed Event

On Saturday, November 2, 2024, members of St. John Neumann council 16169 joined other community members at the Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Build at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport in Canton. Eighty beds were built in 2 hours, helping to ensure that no child sleeps on the floor. The beds will be delivered soon to local children. Click here for more information on Sleep in Heavenly Peace. [11/02/2024]

Men's Conference, St. Thomas Chaldean Church

On Saturday, October 24, brothers Dave Andreoli, David Trost & Jim Pryce attended the Men's Conference at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church in West Bloomfield. Guest speakers were Fr. Simon Esshaki and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers. [10/26/2024]

2024 Halloween Dance for Young Adults with Special

The St. John Neumann Knights sponsored their 8th Halloween Dance on Friday, October 25, 2024. The dance was well attended with approximately 170 young adults and chaperones. The attendees were from the St. John Neumann Parish and the PC Stars Special Olympic Team. The young adults had great costumes and appeared to have a great time on the dance floor. The chaperones were very appreciative of the activities for the young adults.

Several organizations participated with us to make the dance a success. They were:

  • The Civitans ran their popular picture taking station. Kathy Turnquest also provided the ice cream treats.
  • The Middle School and High School Youth Groups provided support during the hall decorating, food serving areas and clean-up.
  • The St. John Neumann Women's Organization provided support during the decorating, registration and running the "Punch Out" Game.
  • Diana Korte was the DJ for the event and again did a great job this year.
  • Cindy Fox from the PC Stars coordinated the registration of the PC Stars athletes.
  • The Planning team of Cindy Fox, Kathy Turnquest, and Roxanne Crabill were instrumental in making the dance a success.
  • A special thank you to Father John in leading us in an excellent prayer at the start of the dance.

Fall 2024 Tootsie Roll MI Drive

Our council held our Fall Mental Impairment Drive on October 11, 12 and 13th. We accepted donations at two new venues this year: Mans Lumber on Michigan Avenue and Three Brothers Restaurant in Plymouth. We also accepted donations after all masses at both Resurrection and St. John Neumann. Donations in excess of $4,000 were collected! Thank you Brother Knights, parishioners and local businesses that supported our fall drive. Our next Mental Impairment Drive (aka MI Drive) will be in the Spring, Palm Sunday weekend. [10/13/2024]

Family Fall Fun Festival

On Saturday afternoon, October 12, the Knights of Columbus held the second annual Fall Festival in Baldwin Hall. The event was expanded this year to include the SJN Family Ministry.

The day was filled with festivities for all family members including a Chili Cookoff, Craft Beer Tasting, Corn Hole Tournament, Jeopardy and many additional Family Ministry events for the children. Although not planned, we were able to project the Tiger game in lieu of the planned college football game. Children participated in a Halloween Costume parade as parents enjoyed chili, hot dogs, chips and beer. Brother Steve Otting repeated with the winning Chili again taking home the prized Cookoff Trophy.

Thanks to all who participated to make the Fall Festival a great afternoon of Brotherhood and Family Ministry fun! [10/12/2024]

AAA Pregnancy Resource Center Fundraising Banquet

On October 10th, Larry and Cathy Redman, Marshall and Colleen Grazioli, Steve and Pam Sarlitto, Chuck and Nancy Lang, Jeff Battistella and Jodi Ring all attended the annual Fall Fundraiser Banquet for the AAA Pregnancy Resource Center. The center is in its 51st year of operation having helped women deliver and care for over 2000 babies that might have otherwise been lost to abortion. Several years ago the Knight of Columbus purchased an ultrasound machine for the center that has aided greatly in this cause.

The guest speaker was Kevin Sorbo who played "Hercules" on the popular TV show from the 90's amongst many other acting roles. After having his own life threatened by three strokes caused by an aneurism in his shoulder he became an outspoken Christian and Pro-life warrior. Our council sponsored the table again this year and the combined monetary contribution from the table sponsorship and donations from the table guests was $2400 which qualifies the center to receive the maximum $400 offered by The K of C Supreme Council through the ASAP program. [10/10/2024]

October 2024 Knight of the Month

At the October 2024 council meeting, brother Ron LeTourneau was recognized as the October 2024 Knight of the Month. [10/08/2024]

October 2024 Family of the Month - 2 of 2!

At the October 2024 council meeting, the Jim and Theresa DiMaria family was recognized as the October 2024 Family of the Month. [10/08/2024]

October 2024 Family of the Month - 1 of 2!

At the October 2024 council meeting, the Dan and Connie Vella family was recognized as the October 2024 Family of the Month. [10/08/2024]

Life Chain, October 6, 2024

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, SJN Knights of Columbus along with other parishioners joined together for the Life Chain on Wayne Rd. near Warren Rd. Respecting all life, which includes ending abortions, is a pillar of the Catholic Church. This peaceful protest in favor of life over the culture of death was seen by many people driving in the area. [10/07/2024]

Special Olympics Soccer Games, September 28, 2024

Area councils from District 114 supported the Special Olympics State Fall Soccer Games competition. It was held on Saturday, September 28 at Independence Park in Canton. This was a great event for Knights and their families cooking the food, serving, as well as site set-up and cleanup. Food was prepared for 600 athletes, coaches and chaperones. What's interesting to note - while our council helped at the State soccer games, other State games were going on simultaneously at other locations. This includes golf, kayaking, and cycling.

Thank you District Deputy, Dan Timmerman, for your leadership and organization skills. Council 16169 played a significant role in this event. A big thank you Brother Knights for supporting this important event! [09/28/2024]

Patriotic Rosary, September 18, 2024

A Patriotic Rosary was prayed at St John Neumann on September 18 to commemorate Constitution Day which was on September 17. The event was a joint effort between the SJN Knights of Columbus and the SJN Women's organization.

The event led off with a compilation of quotes and refections from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution itself, followed by the recitation of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary with a prayer for our various leaders before each decade and a recognition of each state of the union prior to each "Hail Mary". Patriotic songs such as "My Country Tis of Thee" and "God Bless America" were sung after each decade with piano accompaniment.

The colors were posted and the event presided over by a 4th Degree Honor Guard from Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 and St. Francis of Assisi assembly 2136.

It was an evening of inspired prayer for our country. [09/18/2024]

Soccer Challenge, September 15, 2025

On Saturday, September 15, Marshall Grazioli and other council Knights helped lead the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. Congratulations to the winners all those that participated. [09/15/2024]

2024 Parish Picnic

The Knights of Columbus were once again active at the SJN Parish Picnic on September 15, 2024. From grilling hot dogs and serving beer and soda, a great time was had by many. We also had visits from the Canton Fire Department and Police Department. A DJ, basketball hoops, candy walk, petting zoo and pony rides were also available. [09/15/2024]

Officer Medals

At the September 2024 council meeting, District Deputy Dan Timmerman gave Inside Guard Larry O'Hara and Lecturer Marshall Grazioli their medals of office. Congratulations, Larry and Marshall! [09/10/2024]

Fr. Paul 25 Year Recognition

At the September 2024 council meeting, Fr. Paul Ballien was recognized as being a member of the Knights of Columbus for 25 years. Congratulations, Fr. Paul! [09/10/2024]

Past Grand Knight Recognition for PGK Chuck Lang

At the September 2024 Council meeting, brother and Worthy Past Grand Knight Chuck Lang received recognition for his service as Grand Knight from July 2022 through June 2024 from our Worthy Chaplain Fr. Paul, Worthy Grand Knight Steve Sarlitto, and Worthy District Deputy Dan Timmerman. [09/10/2024]

September 2024 Knight of the Month

At the September 2024 council meeting, brother Larry Redman was recognized as the September 2024 Knight of the Month. [09/10/2024]

September 2024 Family of the Month

At the September 2024 council meeting, the Don and Lorraine Zaksek family was recognized as the September 2024 Family of the Month. [09/10/2024]

Plymouth Fall Festival Rotary Club Chicken Dinner Help

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, brother knights from SJN Council 16169 once again helped the Plymouth Rotary Club serve chicken dinners in their annual fundraiser at the Plymouth Fall Festival. Knights helped with all aspects, including serving meals to hungry festival goers. [09/08/2024]

August 2024 Knight of the Month

At the August 2024 council meeting, brother Michael Pilotto was recognized as the August 2024 Knight of the Month. [08/13/2024]

August 2024 Family of the Month

At the August 2024 council meeting, the Cydney and Jeff Domsic family was recognized as the August 2024 Family of the Month. [08/13/2024]

July 2024 Family of the Month

At the August 2024 council meeting, the Mark and Cindy Oleszkowicz family was recognized as the July 2024 Family of the Month. [08/13/2024]

August 2024 Officer Installation

On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, District Deputy Dan Timmerman installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions. [08/13/2024]

Jim Korona Honorary Membership Recognition

At the July 2024 council meeting, brother Jim Korona was recognized at attaining Honorary status with the Knights of Columbus. Jim has been a member of the Knights for at least 25 years and at least 65 years of age. Congratulations, Jim! [07/09/2024]

July 2024 Knight of the Month

At the July 2024 council meeting, brother Bob Rugenski was recognized as the July 2024 Knight of the Month. [07/09/2024]

June 30, 2024, Corporate Communion and Fr. Paul Onyebuche Last Mass

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, our council had Corporate Communion and Fr. Paul Onyebuche celebrated his last Mass at SJN before retiring to Nigeria. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event and present to Fr. Paul a Chalice that was passed on from Fr. Newhouse. Knights of Columbus council members and their families participated by taking on all the service roles during the mass. A reception for Fr. Paul O. was also held after all Masses. [06/30/2024]

2024 SJN Parish Golf Outing

On Monday, June 24, 2024, the St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus sponsored the St. John Neumann Parish Golf Outing at Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center in Plymouth. A great time was had by all that attended.

Note that this is but a fraction of all the pics taken during the event. To see all of the photos taken at the golf, please click here to see photos in the July Neumann's Knights newsletter. [06/24/2024]

June 2024 Knight of the Month

At the June 2024 council meeting, brother Marcel Loosbrock was recognized as the June 2024 Knight of the Month. [06/11/2024]

Welcome Brother Anthony Czajka

Please welcome St. John Neumann‘s newest member, Anthony Czajka. Anthony completed the exemplification at Kern council on Sunday, February 18th. Special thanks to Jeff Battistella, John Crabill, Mike Polovich, Dan Timmerman, and Hans Hansen for supporting Anthony at the ceremony. [02/23/2024]

June 2024 Family of the Month

At the June 2024 council meeting, the Deb Skotak family was recognized as the June 2024 Family of the Month. [01/09/2024]

2023 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Winners

Winners of the 2023 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest were announced prior to the January 9, 2024, council meeting. Winners are:

  • Kindergarten Contest – Teddy Tallman
  • 1st & 2nd Grade Contest – Clare Smith
  • 3rd & 4th Grade Contest – Margaret Tallman
  • 5th & 6th Grade Contest – Sarah Pablo
Winners will move on to regional judging. [01/09/2024]

January 2024 Family of the Month

At the January 2024 council meeting, the Gerardo De La Torre family was recognized as the January 2024 Family of the Month. [01/09/2024]

January 2024 Knight of the Month

At the January 2024 council meeting, brother Marshall Grazioli was recognized as the January 2024 Knight of the Month. [01/09/2024]

2023-2024 Star Council Recognition

At the November 2024 council meeting, PGK C. J. Lang, membership director Larry Redman and program director David Trost were recognized for helping achieve Double Star Council for the 2023-2024 fraternal year. [01/04/2024]

2023-2024 Star Council Recognition

At the January 2024 business meeting, membership directory Larry Redman and district deputy Ed Hurst, Jr., were recognized for helping achieve Star Council. [01/04/2024]

September 2023 Knight of the Month

At the January 2024 business meeting, brother Bill Springer was recognized as the September 2023 Knight of the Month. [01/04/2024]

2023 December Council Meeting

On December 12, 2023, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was joined by State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec and his wife Julie as well as by State Treasurer Charles McCuen III. Recognition for Knight of the Month (Clinton Randall), Family of the Year (Ed Hurst, Jr. Family) and the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest winner (Marianne Vespa) occurred, as well as some special recognition for Frans Purwadihardja (service to the parish) and Noella Hurst (quick action to save Ed Hurst's life). The meeting was followed by dinner provided by the council officers. [12/12/2023]

2023 December Council Star Council Recognition

On December 12, 2023, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was recognized for once again achieving Star Council. State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec and District Deputy Dan Timmerman were on hand to present the award to Grand Knight Chuck Lang. This is the eighth year in a row the council has achieved Star Council. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Essay Contest Winner - Marianna Vespa

At the December 2023 Council Meeting, Marianna Vespa was recognized by the council for winning the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Special Recognition - Frans Purwadihardja

At the December 2023 Council Meeting, Frans Purwadihardja was recognized by the council for his faithful and humble service to St. John Neumann Parish ministries. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Special Recognition - Noella Hurst

At the December 2023 council meeting, Noella Hurst received special recognition for her quick thinking at the 2023 Summer Leadership Meeting that saved the life of her dad, Ed Hurst, Jr. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Knight of the Month

At the December 2023 council meeting, brother Clinton Randall was recognized as the December 2023 Knight of the Month. [12/12/2023]

2023 Family of the Year - Ed Hurst, Jr. Family

At the December 2023 meeting, the Knights recognized Ed, Mary Alice, Noella and Jessica Hurst as Family of the Year.

The entire family does a lot for St. John Neumann and the Knights of Columbus. They are regularly seen around the church helping and being active.

Congratulations to the Ed Hurst, Jr. family! [12/12/2023]

SJN Wine Tasting Event, November 17, 2023

The First Annual SJN Wine Tasting Event was held on November 17, 2023, at St. John Neumann. Super Fine Wine provided the wine for the tasting. A great time was had by all! [11/17/2023]

November 2023 Knight of the Month

At the November 2023 council meeting, brother Marshall Grazioli was recognized as the November 2023 Knight of the Month. [11/14/2023]

November 2023 Family of the Month

At the November 2023 council meeting, the John and Roxanne Crabill family was recognized as the November 2023 Family of the Month. [11/14/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, December 14, 2023

On December 14, 2023, an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held at Our Lady of Good Council in Plymouth. The Traveling Degree Team did the exemplification.

St. John Neumann council welcomed one new brother knight. The State council hosted a great dinner after the ceremony, with TJ McCully doing a presentation on Fraternal Benefits. Welcome, brothers! [11/05/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, November 5, 2023

On November 5, 2023, an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held at Our Lady of Good Council in Plymouth. The Traveling Degree Team did the exemplification.

St. John Neumann council welcomes brother Knights Stephen (Steve) Piontek, Benard (Ben) Klinkhammer, Arthur (Art) Michalak, Robert (Bob) Godek, Keith DiMaria, Jim DiMaria, Luke Buehler and Mark Mueller. The State council hosted a great lunch after the ceremony, with TJ McCully doing a presentation on Fraternal Benefits. Welcome, brothers! [11/05/2023]

Coats for Kids, November 4, 2023

On November 4, 2023, Detroit area Knights and family members gathered at St. André Bessette in Ecorse to distribute free coats to children that might not otherwise have a warm coat for the winter. St. John Neumann council knights turned out for this event, helping to distribute hundreds of coats. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide these new coats through the generosity of the councils in the state. [11/04/2023]

St. John Neumann Parish 2023 Fall Cleanup

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and other parish members participated in the fall clean-up of the church grounds. Flower beds were cleared and replanted, trees trimmed and general cleanup work was done to spruce up the landscaping. [11/04/2023]

Resurrection Parish 2023 Fall Cleanup

On Saturday, October 28, 2023, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus participated in the fall clean-up of the Resurrection Parish church grounds. Flower beds were cleared and replanted, trees trimmed and general cleanup work was done to spruce up the landscaping. [10/28/2023]

2023 Special Olympics Halloween Party

On Friday, October 27, 2023, members of our council helped to host a Halloween Dance for Canton Special Olympics team members. Members of the St. John Neumann's Women's Organization, as well some of the local Alhambra members, also pitched in to help. [10/27/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, October 25, 2023

On October 25, 2023, an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held with SJN welcoming its newest member, Lucas Montgomery. Welcome, brother Lucas! [10/25/2023]

SJN Rosary Rally, October 14, 2023

On October 14, 2023, members of St. John Neumann, including Knights of Columbus members, participated in a Rosary Rally to pray for the end of abortion and for the sanctity of life. [10/14/2023]

Years of Service Recognition

At the October 2023 general meeting, brother Leo Petretta was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [10/10/2023]

October 2023 Family of the Month

At the October 2023 council meeting, the Jim and Denise Pryce family was recognized as the October 2023 Family of the Month. [10/10/2023]

October 2023 Knight of the Month

At the October 2023 council meeting, brother Larry O'Hara was recognized as the October 2023 Knight of the Month. [10/10/2023]

2023 Parish Picnic

The Knights of Columbus were once again active at the SJN Parish Picnic on September 17, 2023. From cutting up watermelon to grilling hot dogs and serving beer and soda, a great time was had by many. We also had visits from the Canton Fire Department and Police Department. A bounce house and slide, a petting zoo and pony rides were also available. [09/17/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, August 10, 2023

On August 10, 2023, Council 16169 St. John Neumann held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann. Three new brothers were added to our fraternity: Tim Sopha, Dan Hankins and Mitchell Dimoff. Welcome, brothers! [08/10/2023]

August 2023 Special Recognition - Dennis Oszust

At the August 2023 council meeting, brother Dennis Oszust was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her being a trustee for 3 years. [08/08/2023]

August 2023 Special Recognition - GK Chuck Lang Double Star

At the August 2023 council meeting, Grand Knight Chuck Lange was recognized with a special shirt for attaining Double Star for the council for the 2022-2023 Fraternal Year. [08/08/2023]

August 2023 Knights of the Month

At the August 2023 council meeting, brothers George Peters and David Trost were recognized as the August 2023 Knights of the Month. [08/08/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, July 20, 2023

On July 20, 2023, Council 16169 St. John Neumann held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann. Three new brothers were added to our fraternity: Grant Lynn, George McPartin and Mark Oleszkowicz. Welcome, brothers! [07/20/2023]

July 2023 Special Recognition - Former District Deputy Brian Zahn

At the July 2023 council meeting, brother Brian Zahn received special recognition for his four years of service as a district deputy. Congratulations, Brian! [07/11/2023]

2023 State Free Throw Contest

On July 11, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 was joined by John Hundiak, community state program directer, to award the State Free Throw Championship trophy to Bryson Harper. Bryson was the winner for his age group. Congratulations, Bryson! [07/11/2023]

July 2023 Family of the Month

At the July 2023 council meeting, the Aashish Paul family was recognized as the July 2023 Family of the Month. [07/11/2023]

July 2023 Officer Installation

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023, District Deputy Dan Timmerman installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions. [07/11/2023]

2023 SJN Parish Golf Outing

On Monday, June 26, the St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus sponsored the St. John Neumann Parish Golf Outing at Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center in Plymouth. A great time was had by all that attended, even though things were a little damp for some of the day.

Note that this is but a fraction of all the pics taken during the event. To see all of the photos taken at the golf, please click here. [06/26/2023]

June 2023 Special Thanks - Fr. Paulo

At the June 2023 council meeting, Fr. Paulo was thanked for being our associate paster with a set of Knights of Columbus vestments. On July 1, Fr. Paulo will become the pastor of St. John XXIII parish in Redford Township. [06/13/2023]

June 2023 Special Recognition - Brian Zahn

At the June 2023 council meeting, Brian Zahn was recognized with his Former District Deputy medal for 4 years of service as a district deputy. [06/13/2023]

June 2023 Knight of the Month

At the June 2023 council meeting, brother Gene Suchyta was recognized as the June 2023 Knight of the Month. [06/13/2023]

June 2023 Special Recognition - Cathy Redman

At the June 2023 council meeting, Cathy Redman was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her help with the 2023 Michigan State Raffle. [06/13/2023]

2023 Corpus Christi Mass and Procession

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, council knights and other parishioners participated in a procession following Corpus Christi Mass. The Rosary was said while Fr. Paul and Fr. Paulo carried the Monstrance with the Host. Additionally Sir Knights from Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 participated as well. [06/11/2023]

June 2023 Pancake Breakfast

On June 4, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held a pancake breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast support the good works the Knights at the church. [06/04/2023]

2023 State Convention

On Wednesday, May 24 through Friday, May 26, 2023, Knights of Columbus members from across the state joined together for the annual State Convention. Our very own Fr. Paul participated in a Eucharistic Procession from Saint Anne's Church to the Grand Hotel as well as all three convention Holy Masses. Our council was well represented by or grand knight, Chuck Lang, as well as past grand knight Ed Hurst, Jr. District master Gene Suchyta was the host master for the event. The State Board was joined this year by Mark McMullen, senior vice president for Membership & Marketing from the Supreme Council as well as vice supreme master Ed Ponder of the Fr. Louis Hennepin Province. [05/26/2023]

St. John Neumann Blue Mass, Tuesday, May 16, 2023

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, members of the Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 Color Corps (with members from our SJN council) participated in the 11:00am Blue Mass held at St. John Neumann in Canton. About a dozen first responders were at the mass held to honor those that put their life on the line for the community every day. SJN provided refreshments for everyone after the Mass. "To Go" lunch from Firehouse Subs was provided for the first responders courtesy of the council and the assembly. [05/16/2023]

Right-To-Life Cross Setup

On Saturday morning, May 11, 2023, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and others setup right-to-life crosses at St. John Neumann. [05/11/2023]

New Member Welcome

On May 10, 2023, our council welcomed 7 new members to St. John Neumann Council #16169 and one new member to Fr. Victor J. Renaud council 3292. Welcome to brothers Daniel Sullivan, Conley (Vance) Poole, Vincent Kotcher, Matey Polin, Bill Dierker, Jeff McGovern and Brian Betz. Congratulations and welcome! [05/10/2023]

May 2023 Special Recognition - Pam Sarlitto

At the May 2023 council meeting, Pam Sarlitto was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her help with the 2023 Michigan State Raffle. [05/09/2023]

Years of Service Recognition

At the May 2023 general meeting, brothers Julius Pablo was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [05/09/2023]

May 2023 Family of the Month

At the May 2023 council meeting, the Brian and Kelly Zahn family was recognized as the May 2023 Family of the Month. [05/09/2023]

May 2023 Knight of the Month

At the May 2023 council meeting, brother Keith Lauren was recognized as the May 2023 Knight of the Month. [05/09/2023]

Fourth Degree News

At the April 11 membership meeting, Faith Navigator Ed Hurst Jr. of Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 presented certificates and recognized two brother knights from our council. SK Larry Redman was recognized as Sir Knight of the Month for October 2022, and Sir Knight Ron Rathbun was recognized as Sir Knight of the month of February 2023. Sir Knight Ron Budzicz was recognized and presented with a class picture of his exemplification. [04/11/2023]

New Treasurer Elected

At the April 2023 meeting, Joe Bradley was elected and installed as the new council treasurer, filling the vacant position until the end of the 2022-2023 fraternal year. [04/11/2023]

April 2023 Family of the Month

At the April 2023 council meeting, the Marcia and John Safran family was recognized as the April 2023 Family of the Month. [04/11/2023]

April 2023 Knight of the Month

At the April 2023 council meeting, brother Steve Polidori was recognized as the April 2023 Knight of the Month. [04/11/2023]

March 2023 Family of the Month

At the March 2023 council meeting, the Darrin and Lisa Burek family was recognized as the March 2023 Family of the Month. [03/14/2023]

March 2023 Knight of the Month

At the March 2023 council meeting, brother David Blankenship was recognized as the March 2023 Knight of the Month. [03/14/2023]

New Members Welcome

On March 9, 2023, our council welcomed 2 new members to St. John Neumann Council #16169! They are Roger Zahn and Jeffrey Erdmann. They were exemplified Thursday, March 23 at Renaud council. Congratulations and welcome! [03/08/2023]

New Member Welcome

On March 9, 2023, our council welcomed 2 new members to St. John Neumann Council #16169! They are Don Pratt and Peter Mulka. Congratulations and welcome! [03/08/2023]

March 2023 Pancake Breakfast

On March 5, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held a pancake breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast support the good works the Knights at the church. [03/05/2023]

2023 Regional Free Throw Contest

On March 4, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 hosted the Regional Basketball Free Throw Challenge in the gym. The challenge consists of the winners of the Council Basketball Free Throw contests in our district.

The winners advance to the State competition. Thank you to all who participated, and good luck to the winners! [03/04/2023]

February 2023 Knight of the Month

At the February 2023 council meeting, PGK Ed Hurst, Jr. was recognized as the February 2023 Knight of the Month. [02/14/2023]

February 2023 Family of the Month

At the February 2023 council meeting, the Matheny family was recognized as the February 2023 Family of the Month. [02/14/2023]

2023 Free Throw Contest

On January 28, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held its Annual Basketball Free Throw Challenge in the gym. The challenge consists of boy and girls ages 9 to 14 competing within their age and gender to see who can make the most of 15 free throws.

The winners advance to the District Level competition. Thank you to all who participated, and good luck to the winners! [01/28/2023]

2022 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Winners

Winners of the 2022 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest were announced prior to the January 10, 2023, council meeting. Winners are:

  • Raymond Otten in age group 5-7
  • Corrine Porenta in age group 8-10
  • Anna Paul in age group 11-14
Winners will move on to regional judging. [01/28/2023]

2021-2022 Star Council Award

For the 2021-2022 Fraternal Year, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was presented the Double Star Council Award. This impressive feat was made possible with the help of many people recruiting members to join the assembly. Pictured are Grand Knight Chuck Lang, membership director Larry Redman, Fr. Paul Ballien, Past Grand Knight Ed Hurst Jr., Archdiocesan Program Director Hans Hansen and District Deputy Brian Zahn. [01/10/2023]

January 2023 Family of the Month and January 2023 Knight of the Month

At the January 2023 council meeting, Pat and Dennis Oszust were recognized as the January 2023 Family of the Month. Also, Dennis was recognized as the January 2023 Knight of the Month. [01/10/2023]

Joyce Hansen Certificate of Appreciation

Just prior to the January 10, 2023, council meeting, Joyce Hansen was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the council. [01/10/2023]

Essay Contest Winner

Announced at the January 10, 2023 council meeting, Noella Hurst was the winner of our Essay contest. Noella will advance to the State competition. [01/10/2023]

January 2023 Diocesan Meeting

On January 9, 2023, member of our council joined other councils in the Detroit Archdiocese to hear Archbishop Vigneron and State Officers as the kick-off to the Winter Diocesan meetings in the state. Sacred Heart Major Seminary hosted the event. [01/09/2023]

Third Degree Honors

At the December 2022, brother Jeff Domsic was recognized for receiving his Third Degree honors. [12/18/2022]

Years of Service Recognition

At the December 2022 general meeting, brothers were recognized for their years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [12/13/2022]

December 2022 Family of the Month

At the December 2022 council meeting, the Steve and Deb Otting family was recognized as the December 2022 Family of the month. [12/13/2022]

September 2022 Family of the Month

At the December 2022 council meeting, the Jim and Sarah Tallman family was recognized as the September 2022 Family of the month. [12/13/2022]

November 2022 Family of the Month and November 2022 Knight of the Month

At the October 2022 council meeting, Len and Laura Carravallah and family were recognized as the November 2022 Family of the Month, and Len was recognized as the November 2022 Knight of the Month. [11/08/2022]

October 2022 Corporate Communion

On Sunday, October 30, 2022, our council had a Corporate Communion Mass. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event. Knights of Columbus council members and their families participated by taking on all the service roles during the mass. [10/30/2022]

2022 Special Olympics Halloween Party

On Friday, October 28, 2022, members of our council helped to host a Halloween Dance for Canton Special Olympics team members. Members of the St. John Neumann's Women's Organization, as well some of the local Alhambra members, also pitched in to help. [10/28/2022]

SJN Rosary Rally, October 16, 2022

On October 16, 2022, members of St. John Neumann, including Knights of Columbus members, participated in a Rosary Rally to pray for the end of abortion and the defeat of Michigan Proposal 3. [10/16/2022]

April 2022 Family of the Month

At the October 2022 council meeting, Marshall and Colleen Grazioli were recognized as the April 2022 Family of the Month. [10/11/2022]

October 2022 Family of the Month and October 2022 Knight of the Month

At the October 2022 council meeting, John and Michelle Martin were recognized as the October 2022 Family of the Month, and Randy was recognized as the October 2022 Knight of the Month. [10/11/2022]

May 2022 Family of the Month

At the October 2022 council meeting, John and Michelle Lutz were recognized as the May 2022 Family of the month. [10/11/2022]

Fall 2022 Tootsie Roll MI Drive

On October 7, 8, 9, 14 and 15, 2022, members of our Council and their families were taking contributions for Tootsie Rolls. All proceeds from our Council will go to help those developmentally challenged in Canton. Collections were taken at Busch's on Canton Center Rd. in Canton, the Tim Horton's in from of Meijer on Ford Road and at St. John Neumann. [10/09/2022]

KofC SJN Golf Classic

On September 24, 2022, members of St. John Neumann and friends took to the links for our council's annual Golf Classic. A great time was had by one and all! [09/24/2022]

St. (Mother) Theresa Statue Move

On Thursday, September 21, 2022, the folks at Canton Floral Gardens Greenhouse helped move the St. (Mother) Theresa Statue from St. John Neumann to St. Mary, Cause of Our Joy. [09/21/2022]

September 2022 Knight of the Month

At the September 2022 council meeting, brother Dan Timmerman was recognized as Knight of the Month for September 2022. [09/13/2022]

Keith Lauren Recognition, September 2022

At the council meeting on September 13, 2022, Keith Lauren was installed as Trustee, and was also recognized or giving blood as well as being the Reverse Raffle co-chair. Well done, Keith! [09/13/2022]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, August 28, 2022

On August 28, 2022, District 114 held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann. Ten new Knights were added to our fraternity, with an additional brother moving from the first to third degree. [08/28/2022]

Amber Kaledas Altar Server Award

Amber Kaledas received the Altar Server Award at the conclusion of the August 20, 2022, 4:30PM Mass. Amber has been an altar server for nine years and is leaving for college soon. "As we have prayed with you, so we shall pray for you." [08/20/2022]

Daniel Asika Altar Server Award

Daniel Asika received the Altar Server Award at the conclusion of the August 14, 2022, 12:30PM Mass. Daniel has been an altar server for two years and is leaving for college soon. "As we have prayed with you, so we shall pray for you." [08/14/2022]

August 2022 Knight of the Month

At the August 2022 council meeting, brother Michael Polovich was recognized as Knight of the Month for August 2022. [08/10/2022]

July 2022 Family of the Month

At the August council meeting, Michael and Elizabeth Polovich were recognized as the August 2022 Family of the month. [08/10/2022]

July 2022 Corporate Communion

On Sunday, July 31, 2022, our council had a Corporate Communion Mass. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event. [07/31/2022]

Past Grand Knight Recognition for PGK Ed Hurst, Jr.

At the July 2022 Council meeting, brother and Worthy PGK ed Hurst, Jr., received his recognition for his service as Grand Knight from July 2020 through June 2022 from our Worthy Grand Knight Chuck Lang and our Worthy Chaplain Fr. Paul. [07/12/2022]

Michael Pilotto 5-Year Recognition

At the July 2022 general meeting, brother Michael Pilotto was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [07/12/2022]

July 2022 Knight of the Month

At the July 2022 council meeting, brother John Safran was recognized as Knight of the Month for July 2022.

John has been married to Marcia for 55 years. They have Two adult children, Jeffrey and Suzanne, and five grandchildren, Ashley, Jack, Matthew, Brooke and Ryan.

His Hobbies are watching his grandchildren play sports and he loves to go target shooting. He has been a member of SJN since 1975. John also served the Parish Council for three terms, with two as President. Has been a Lector since 1975, served as Lector Ministry leader in the 1980’s ,served as lay leader of the Sunday Experience segment of the Parish Vision Team. For the most recent sanctuary renovation, he coordinated the ordering and construction of our Saint John Neumann statue. You may also saw John and his wife selling 50-50 tickets at the parish picnic.

He has been a member of Council 16169 since 2018. He is going into his third term as Outside Guard. John has also served a s a volunteer during the MI Tootsie Roll drive and as a volunteer for membership drive and for the baby bottle boomerang program. Congratulations John Safron! [07/12/2022]

July 2022 Family of the Month

At the July council meeting, the Ed Hurst, Jr., family was recognized as the July 2022 Family of the month.

Ed is an active third and fourth Degree Knight. He has just stepped down as Grand Knight. He has also served as Deputy Grand Knight, Chancellor and Recorder. He is currently the 4th Degree Faithful Navigator and has served as Faithful Scribe; Faithful Captain, Color Corps, Honor Guard. His parish activities include Eucharistic Minister and Media Ministry Lead.

Mary Alice is SJN Director of Faith Formation and is involved with Catechist, Alpha, Adult Faith, Connect Group, and many other volunteer activities.

Noella is a HS Senior, Teen Helper in Religious Formation, Group Leader in VBS and active in many other Knight and church events.

Jessica is a HS Sophomore, Mass Helper Trainer and active in many other Knight and church events. Congratulations Ed, Mary Alice, Noella and Jessica Hurst! [07/12/2022]

Knight of the Year 2021-2022 Larry Redman

At the July council meeting, Larry Redman was recognized as Knight of the Year for 2021-2022.

Larry is a third Degree Knight. He is the Membership Director and MI Drive Co-chair and has served as Outside Guard. He volunteers with MI State Raffle, Reverse Raffle, Hospitality Weekends, Exemplifications, Cans for Seminarians and anywhere help is needed. He is married to Kathy.

Congratulations Brother Larry as our Knight of the Year 2022! [07/12/2022]

2021-2022 Family of the Year - Hans and Joyce Hansen

At the July 2022 meeting, the Knights recognized as Hans and Joyce Hansen Family of the Year.

Hans is a third and fourth Degree Knight. He has served as Grand Knight and District Deputy and is currently Archdiocese of Detroit Membership Director. He recently received the Golden Knight Award from the State Deputy for his many activities this past year.

Joyce supports Hans with the K of C, and recently received the Lady of the Year Award from Pope John XXIII Assembly. She is currently Director of Evangelization at SJN and has served as SJN DRE, Pastoral Associate and Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. They raised 2 children and have 3 granddaughters.

Congratulations to Hans and Joyce Hansen. [07/12/2022]

July 2022 Officer Installation

On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, District Deputy Brian Zahn installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions. Rev. Fr. Paul Ballien was installed as Council Chaplain and was on hand for blessings. [07/12/2022]

Summer 2022 State Meeting

It was a lot of work and a little play at the Summer 2022 State Meeting in early July for the newly elected state officers and appointed state directors and chaplains. Pictured is our very own Father Paul as he and others learn some basic hula moves. [07/05/2022]

Charity Roast of Fr. Paul

On Thursday, June 22, 2022, the Polish Day Parade Committee held a charity fundraising roast of our very own Fr. Paul. The committee "roasts" the parade marshal (this year, Fr. Paul) as a fundraiser for the parade. Roasters include Fred Morath and Fr. Jeff Day. Over 20 parishioners were on hand for the event. [06/26/2022]

2022 Corpus Christi Mass and Procession

On Sunday, June 19, 2022, council knights and other parishioners participated in a procession following Corpus Christi Mass. The Rosary was said while Fr. Paul and Fr. Paulo carried the Monstrance with the Host. Additionally Sir Knights from Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 participated as well. [06/19/2022]

June 2022 Pancake Breakfast

On June 5, 2022, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held a pancake breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast support the good works the Knights at the church. [06/05/2022]

Welcome New Brother Joesph Smyth June 2, 2022

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held on Thursday, June 2, 2022, at St. John Neumann. Joseph Smyth was exemplified and joined our council. Congratulations, and welcome, brother Jospeh!. [06/02/2022]

St. John Neumann Blue Mass, Tuesday, May 17, 2022

On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, members of the Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 Color Corps (with members from our SJN council) participated in the 11:00am Blue Mass held at St. John Neumann in Canton. About a dozen first responders were at the mass held to honor those that put their life on the line for the community every day. SJN provided refreshments for everyone after the Mass. "To Go" lunch from Firehouse Subs was provided for the first responders courtesy of the council and the assembly. [05/17/2022]

May 14, 2022 Living Rosary, Lansing Michigan

On Saturday, May 14, 2022, Knights of Columbus members from across Michigan gathered in Lansing at our state’s capital building on the front lawn for the annual Living Rosary. Over 60 Sir Knights, along with Knights of Columbus State Officers, participated in the event. Our own Fr. Paul helped lead the rosary. Additionally, three members of our St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus council were part of the Color Corps. [05/14/2022]

2022 State Raffle Recognition

At the May 2022 council meeting, brothers Hans Hansen and Jeff Matheny were recognized for leading our effort to host the 2022 State Raffle at St. John Neumann. This is the largest fundraiser for the state Knights of Columbus. [05/10/2022]

2022 Reverse Raffle Recognition

At the May 2022 council meeting, brothers Dennis Oszust and Jeff Matheny were recognized for helping lead the 2022 Reverse Raffle fundraiser. This is the larges fundraiser our council has and it funds most of the charitable contributions made by the council. [05/10/2022]

Spring 2022 MI Drive Recognition

At the May 2022 council meeting, brothers Larry Redman, Ron Budzisz and Jeff Matheny were recognized for leading the spring 2022 MI Drive. Over $5000 was collected which will help Special Olympics in our area. [05/10/2022]

Saving a Life Recognition May 2022

At the May 2022 council meeting, brothers Marshall Grazioli, Gene Suchyta, Joe Camill, Larry Redman, Randy Martin and Bill Springer were recognized for giving blood in April, 2022. [05/10/2022]

May 2022 Knights of the Month

At the May 2022 council meeting, brothers Larry O’Hara and Ron Budzisz were recognized as Knights of the Month for May 2022. [05/10/2022]

John Lutz Honorary Membership Recognition

At the April 2022 council meeting, brother John Lutz was recognized at attaining Honorary status with the Knights of Columbus. John has been a member of the Knights for at least 25 years and at least 65 years of age. Congratulations, John! [05/10/2022]

New Member David Trescott

At the May 2022 council meeting, brother David Trescott was welcomed as a new brother. David was exemplified to the Third Degree on Saturday, May 7, 2022. [05/10/2022]

Welcome New Brothers May 2022

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held on Saturday, May 7, 2022, just after 4:30PM Mass at St. John Neumann. David Trescott and Jeffrey Domsic were exemplified and joined our council. Congratulations, and welcome, brothers!. [05/07/2022]

April 2022 Knight of the Month

At the April 2022 council meeting, brother Roger Biernat was recognized as Knight of the Month for April 2022. [04/12/2022]

Spring 2022 Tootsie Roll MI Drive

On March 25 and 26, and again on April 8, 9 and 10, 2022, members of our Council and their families were taking contributions for Tootsie Rolls. All proceeds from our Council will go to help those developmentally challenged in Canton. Collections were taken at both Kroger stores in Canton, the Tim Horton's in from of Meijer on Ford Road and at St. John Neumann. [04/10/2022]

March 2022 Family of the Month

At the end of 4:30 Mass on April 9, 2022, the Knights recognized Marsha and John Safron as the March 2022 Family of the month. Congratulations Marsha and John Safron! [04/09/2022]

Pilgrimage of the Silver Rose

On April 7, 2022, the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose was on display at St. John Neumann in Canton. Members of our Color Corps stood guard over the relic. A short play about Our Lady of Guadalupe, a movie about Our Lady of Guadalupe and a prayer service followed the time for veneration and silent prayer. [04/07/2022]

Deacon Pat Vestments

At the March 2022 council meeting, the council presented to Deacon Pat Knights of Columbus vestments for use during Holy Mass. [03/08/2022]

Chuck Lang 5-Year Recognition

At the March 2022 general meeting, brother Chuck Lang was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [03/08/2022]

March 2022 Knight of the Month

At the March 2022 council meeting, brother Paul Bak was recognized as Knight of the Month for March 2022. [03/08/2022]

January 2022 Knight of the Month

At the March 2022 council meeting, brother Tim Wood was recognized as Knight of the Month for January 2022. [03/08/2022]

State Tribute Banquet Awards and Recognition

On February 26, 2022, at the State Deputy's and State Chaplain's Membership Tribute Banquet, council member and District Deputy Brian Zahn received the 2021-2022 Quick Start District Award for over 50% membership growth in the district for the first six months of the fraternal year. Grand Knight Ed Hurst, Jr., was recognized as an Ambassador Club member for recruiting two new brother Knights for the 2021-2022 fraternal year and also received the 2021-2022 State Deputy Award for 100% membership growth for the fraternal year. Finally, our very own Fr. Paul Ballien was recognized with the 2021-2022 Diocese Chaplain Award for the highest percentage gain in membership by a Diocese in the first six months of the fraternal year, and was also recognized for his service as State Chaplain for the 2020-2021 Fraternal Year as well as the 2021-2022 Fraternal Year.

During the awards presentations, Brian and Ed were joined by State Membership Director Daniel Fuller, Jr., and State Deputy Walter Winkle, Jr. Fr. Paul was joined by State Treasurer Barry Borsenik. [02/26/2022]

Desert Meal

On Friday, February 26, 2022, the SJN Women's Organization and the SJN Knights of Columbus sponsored a Desert Meal to raise funds for seminarians that will be traveling overseas later this year. Because of COVID and security concerns, the seminarians will be journeying to Rome as opposed to the Holy Land. Further, because trips for the last couple of years have been cancelled, 3 classes of students will be traveling.

We were blessed with 4 seminarians attending our sold-out desert meal, and we were able to hear from each of them. It was great to have them and to be able to show our support for them.

Pictured from left to right are the two organizers fo the evening, Joe Camill and Bethann Pilotto, Grand Knight Ed Hurst, Fr. Paulo, the four seminarians Josh Luttig, Nic Brown, Jim Musgrave, Daniel LaCroix, Fr. Paul and State Deputy Walter Winkle. [02/26/2022]

February 2022 Knight of the Month

At the end of 10:30 Mass on February 13, 2022, the Knights recognized Fr. Jeff Day as the February 2022 Knight of the Month. Congratulations Fr. Jeff! [02/13/2022]

January 2022 Family of the Month

At the end of 10:30 Mass on February 13, 2022, the Knights recognized Cameron, Nicole and Joshua Gibelyou as the January 2022 Family of the month. Congratulations Cameron, Nicole and Joshua Gibelyou! [02/13/2022]

November 2021 Family of the Month

At the end of 8:30 Mass on February 13, 2022, the Knights recognized Aracely, Jay and Anne Dark as the November 2021 Family of the month. Congratulations Aracely, Jay and Anne Dark! [02/13/2022]

Regional Free Throw Contest

On February 12, 2022, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 hosted the Regional Basketball Free Throw Challenge in the gym. The challenge consists of the winners of the Council Basketball Free Throw contests in our district.

The winners advance to the State competition. Thank you to all who participated, and good luck to the winners! [02/12/2022]

Dan Timmerman Service Help Recognition

At the March 2022 council meeting, brother Dan Timmerman was recognized for helping with the January Hospitality Weekend. [02/08/2022]

Shining Armor Awards, February 2022

At the February 2022 meeting, Grand Knight Ed Hurst, Jr., David Blankenship and Jeff Battistella the State of Michigan Shining Armor award. Congratulations to Ed, David and Jeff!. [02/08/2022]

Service Help Recognition

At the February 2022 council meeting, brother Robert Liebau was recognized for helping with pancake breakfasts, and brothers Steve Sarlitto and John Crabill were recognized for helping with Coats for Kids. Thanks, Bob, Steve and John! [02/08/2022]

State of Michigan Council of the Month December 2021

At the February, 2022 meeting, our humble council was recognized by the State Knights of Columbus leadership as the Council of the Month for December 2021. Pictured are, from left, Knights of Columbus State Chaplain, Council Chaplain and Pastor Fr. Paul, Grand Knight Ed Hurst, Jr., State Archdiocesan Membership Director South Region 5 Hans Hansen, State Archdiocesan Program Director South Region 5 Lou Brothcner, State District Deputy District 114 Brian Zahn. [02/08/2022]

February 2022 Family of the Month

At the February 2022 meeting, the Knights recognized Tom and Laura Baptist (and, not pictured, Claire, Kelsey and Paul) as the January Family of the Month. Congratulations Tom, Laura, Claire, Kelsey and Paul! [02/08/2022]

February 2022 Pancake Breakfast Benefitting Seminarians

On February 6, 2022, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held a pancake breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast will directly support our seminarians at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. [02/06/2022]

Hospitality Help Recognition

On January 10, 2022, members of the council, were recognized for helping above and beyond at the Hospitality weekend that occurred on January 2, 2022. Honored were Larry and Cathy Redman, Joe and Roz Bradley, Dennis Oszust, Joe Camill, Chuck Lang and Robert Liebau. [01/11/2022]

Coats for Kids Recognition

At the January council meeting, brothers Gene Suchyta was recognized for helping with the distribution of Coats for Kids in November, 2021. Gene also helped move coats between locations and took photos for both the council and the state.

The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide new coats to hundreds of kids through the generosity of the councils in the state. Thanks, Gene! [01/10/2022]

2021 Keep Christ In Christmas Winners

On January 10, 2022, winners of the 2021 Keep Christ in Christmas were honored and presented with their awards.

In the Age 5-7 Division: winner Margaret Tallman.

In the Age 8-10 Division: winner Lucas Toth.

In the Age 11-14 Division: winner Lily Sajkovic.

Congratulations to all! Winners will move on to the District competition. [01/10/2022]

Fr. Paulo Vestments

At the December 2021 council meeting, the council presented to Fr. Paulo vestments for celebrating Holy Mass. Many of the vestments at St. John Neumann are too large for Fr. Paulo, and was unable to bring any when he came from India. Fr. Paulo was grateful to receive them. [12/14/2021]

Coats for Kids Recognition

At the December council meeting, brothers Hans Hansen, Paul Bak, Roger Biernat and Joe Bradley were recognized for helping with the distribution of Coats for Kids in November, 2021. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide new coats to hundreds of kids through the generosity of the councils in the state. Hans helped distribute those coats to needy children in the Detroit area. Thanks, Hans, Paul, Roger and Joe! [12/14/2021]

December 2021 Knight of the Month

At the December council meeting, Deacon Pat Conlen was recognized as Knight of the Month. Congratulations Deacon Pat as our Knight of the Month for December 2021! [12/14/2021]

December 2021 Family of the Month

At the December 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized Cyril and Maryna Miranda as the December Family of the Month. Congratulations Cyril and Maryna Miranda as our Family of the Month for December 2021! [12/14/2021]

Welcome New Brothers!

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held on Saturday, November 20, 2021, just after 4:30PM Mass at St. John Neumann. Larry O’Hara, Aashish Paul, Darrin Burek, Dan Schneider, Ken Plonka and Steve Polidori were exemplified and joined our council. Congratulations, and welcome, brothers!. [11/20/2021]

Ernie Bucks Honorary Life Membership Recognition

At the November 2021 council meeting, brother Ernie Bucks was recognized at attaining Honorary Life status with the Knights of Columbus. Ernie has been a member of the Knights for at least 25 years and at least 65 years of age. Congratulations, Ernie! [11/09/2021]

October 2021 Knight of the Month

At the October council meeting, brother Steve Otting was recognized as Knight of the Month. Congratulations Steve as our Knight of the Month for October 2021! [11/09/2021]

November 2021 Knight of the Month

At the November council meeting, Reverend Fr. Paul Ballien was recognized as Knight of the Month. Congratulations Fr. Paul as our Knight of the Month for November 2021! [11/09/2021]

Welcome New Brother!

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held on Sunday, October 31, 2021, just after 2:00PM Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Downtown Detroit. Joseph Carnes were exemplified and joined our council. State Deputy Walter Winkle, State Treasurer Barry Borsenik and a number of other state officials were on hand for the ceremony. Congratulations, Joseph! [10/31/2021]

Coats for Kids, October 2021

On October 30, 2021, Detroit area Knights and family members gathered at Most Holy Trinity School in Corktown to distribute free coats to children that might not otherwise have a warm coat for the winter. St. John Neumann council knights turned out for this event, helping to distribute hundreds of coats. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide these new coats through the generosity of the councils in the state.

Also on hand for distribution were various Knights of Columbus state officials, including State Advocate Charlie McCuen and Archdiocesan Program Director Lou Brotchner. [10/30/2021]

2021 Special Olympics Halloween Party

On Friday, October 29, members of our council helped to host a Halloween Dance for Canton Special Olympics team members. Members of the St. John Neumann's Women's Organization, as well some of the local Alhambra members, also pitched in to help. [10/29/2021]

Welcome New Brothers!

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held on Saturday, September 25, 2021, just after 4:30PM Mass at St. John Neumann. Earl Hoffman and Doug Helderop were exemplified and joined our council. Past State Deputy Sir Knight Mike Malinowski was also in attendance. [09/25/2021]

Dennis Oszust 5-Year Recognition

Brother Dennis Oszust was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [09/14/2021]

2020-2021 Star Council Award

For the 2020-2021 Fraternal Year, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was presented the 2 Star Council Award. This impressive feat was made possible with the help of many people recruiting members to join the assembly. Pictured are membership director Larry Redman, Fr. Paul Ballien, Grand Knight Ed Hurst Jr., chancellor Chuck Lang and District Deputy Brian Zahn. [09/14/2021]

September 2021 Knight of the Month

At the September council meeting, brother John Lutz was recognized as Knight of the Month. Congratulations John as our Knight of the Month for September 2021! [09/14/2021]

September 2021 Family of the Month

At the September 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized Gene, Kathy, Kim and Emily Suchyta as the September Family of the Month. Congratulations Gene, Kathy, Kim and Emily as our Family of the Month for September 2021! [09/14/2021]

August 2021 Corporate Communion and Officer Installation

On Sunday, August 29, 2021, District Deputy Brian Zahn installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions after Corporate Communion mass. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event. Rev. Paul Ballien was installed as Council Chaplain and was on hand for blessings. [08/29/2021]

Jeff Battistella 5-Year Recognition

At the August 2021 council meeting, brother Jeff Battistella was recognized for five years as a Knight of Columbus. Congratulations, Jeff! [08/10/2021]

August 2021 Knight of the Month

At the August council meeting, brother Paul Bak was recognized as Knight of the Month. Congratulations Paul as our Knight of the Month for August 2021! [08/10/2021]

August 2021 Family of the Month

At the August 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized the Paul and Evelyn Bak family as the August Family of the Month. Congratulations Paul and Evelyn Bak as our Family of the Month for August 2021! [08/10/2021]

July 2021 Knight of the Month

At the July council meeting, brother Randy Martin was recognized as Knight of the Month. Congratulations Randy as our Knight of the Month for July 2021! [07/13/2021]

July 2021 Family of the Month

At the July 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized the Hans and Joyce Hansen family as the July Family of the Month. Congratulations Hans and Joyce Hanson as our Family of the Month for July 2021! [07/13/2021]

2020-2021 Family of the Year - The Lang Family

At the July 202` meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Year the Lang Family. Chuck, Nancy, Phillip, Nicole, Derek, Trent, and Autumn.

Nicole and Derek joined the parish as a family in 2019. Since joining the parish, Nicole has volunteered and been involved with Vacation Bible School, Family Ministry and participated in the Pray and Play program. Her latest SJN volunteer effort was organizing and coordinating the Michigan Foster Care Closet Clothing Drive at the church involving her entire family and several parish volunteers. They packed 154 boxes, each box containing one and a half weeks of clothing for 154 foster children in Southeast Michigan. She also was able to involve The Neumann Needlers in the making of 39 blankets for the Foster Children. As a family they also volunteer their time during Christmas to ring the bell for Salvation Army.

Phillip has offered his time helping with the Reverse Raffle, the Landscape and mulching project around the church grounds and putting up the Christmas lights on the outside of the church. In addition, he assisted with the Michigan Foster Care Closet Clothing project. He also volunteers his time ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and provides many hours of help for the annual Plymouth Rotary Chicken BBQ.

Nancy continues to be involved in several efforts around the church over the years. Presently she volunteers for the Funeral Guild helping during the luncheons and is a caller for food donations. She is a member of Neumann Needlers and volunteers her time for the Jesse Tree project, the Reverse Raffle and the parish picnic. She also helped with Fr. Mark's farewell reception and spent many hours helping with the Michigan Foster Care Closet project. She is a member of the Plymouth Rotary Club's "Days for Girls Team" volunteering her sewing and teaching skills in making feminine hygiene kits for girls in third world countries. Nancy also offers her time to help with Rotary’s Golf Classic and Chicken BBQ.

Chuck, who retired 8 years ago, has managed to stay active and involved doing what he can to help and assist others. Over the years, he has been involved in numerous activities and church committees. As a member of SJN’s Knights of Columbus, he is serving his second year as Chancellor. Presently he participates in the Thursday morning Men's Prayer Breakfast, serves on the Funeral Guild usually doing the pots and pans after the meal, has served on the VBS committee and this Spring, assisted with the landscape and mulching effort around the church grounds. He served as a Table Coordinator for TMIY and helped initiate the very first parish fundraising event serving as co-chair of the Reverse Raffle and now serves as a committee member. He volunteers for the Pancake breakfast events, the parish picnics and putting up the outside Christmas decorations around the church. He also assisted with the Michigan Foster Care Closet project and Fr. Mark's Farewell reception.

During his spare time, Chuck serves on several community non-profit Boards. He is a Board Member of the Detroit Great Lakes Field Service Council, Boy Scouts of America, serves as a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board in Plymouth and a Board Member of the Greater Plymouth-Canton Service Project for Kids Against Hunger. Chuck has been a Rotarian since 1976 and remains very active with the Rotary Club of Plymouth serving on the Golf Classic committee, The World Service Disaster Relief committee, and the Rotary Youth Leadership committee. He also serves as the Advisor to Rotary's High School Youth program the "Interact Club" at the P-CEP with 163 participating students. Not having enough to do, he was recently elected to serve a second term as President of the Rotary Club's Foundation Board. Additionally, Chuck was recently elected Deputy Grand Knight of our council.

For the past two years, Chuck and Nancy have also served as Host Parents for the Rotary Foreign Exchange Student program hosting a young man from Denmark and one from Finland each for 3 months.

Chuck and Nancy believe that the more you do and give, that you will be blessed in many positive ways. They feel they are very fortunate to be able to do the things they do. They also believe that a family that volunteers and prays together stays together!

Congratulations to the Lang Family. Chuck, Nancy, Phillip, Nicole, Derek, Trent, and Autumn. [07/13/2021]

Welcome New Brothers!

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held on Monday, July 12, 2021, just before the West Detroit District Meeting at St. John Neumann. Victor and Alexander Lams were exemplified and joined our council. In attendance were many of the state officers including our Worthy State Deputy Walter Winkle, Jr. [07/12/2021]

New Brothers Join Council on June 12, 2021

On June 12, 2021, our council held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann after the 4:30pm Mass. Two brothers were exemplified to the Third Degree, all from St. John Neumann. South End Archdiocesan Membership Director Hans Hansen was present for the event. Congratulations and welcome new brothers Jim Musgrave and Pjeter Deda! [06/12/2021]

Fr. Paulo Travel Kit

At the June 8, 2021, council meeting, the council presented to Fr. Paulo a travel kit for celebrating Holy Mass. The travel kit contains items necessary for celebrating Mass at a remote location, including a chalice and containers for hosts and holy water. [06/08/2021]

Knight of the Year 2020-2021 Jeff Battistella

At the June council meeting, Jeff Battistella was recognized as Knight of the Year for 2020-2021. Jeff is a Knight officer (Warden) and a member of the 4th Degree. He regularly volunteers at multiple Knight programs including Membership Drives, Mental Impairment Drives, car washes, free throw and soccer challenges and reverse raffles. In addition, you will see Jeff supporting parish hospitality weekends, picnics, right-to-life crosses, church landscaping and decorating. Jeff also participates in faith programs including Alpha, That Man is You and Men’s Evening Program.

Congratulations Brother Jeff as our Knight of the Year 2021! [06/08/2021]

Corpus Christi Mass and Procession, 2021

On Sunday, June 6, 2021, council knights and other parishioners participated in a procession following Corpus Christi Mass. The Rosary was said while Fr. Paul Ballien carried the Monstrance with the Host. Additionally Sir Knights from Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 and St. Francis of Assisi assembly 2136 participated as well. [06/06/2021]

Right-To-Life Cross Setup 2021

On Saturday morning, May 22, 2021, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and others setup right-to-life crosses at St. John Neumann. [05/22/2021]

Spring Clean-up 2021

On Saturday, May 22, members of St. John Neumann Parish, including many council members and their families, participated in the spring clean-up of the church grounds. Flower beds were cleared and replanted, trees trimmed and general cleanup work was done to spruce up the landscaping. [05/22/2021]

St. John Neumann Blue Mass, Tuesday, May 11, 2021

On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, members of the Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 Color Corps (with members from our SJN council) participated in the 11:00am Blue Mass held at St. John Neumann in Canton. About a dozen first responders were at the mass held to honor those that put their life on the line for the community every day. [05/12/2021]

State Convention Mass

On Wedenesday, May 5, 2021, State Officers gathered at St. John Neumann in Canton, MI, to tape the Rosary and Mass that will be shown as part of the virtual State Convention later in the month. Sir Knights from Michigan District 1, as well as Sir Knights from Michigan District 2, were on hand to be part of the Mass and Rosary. St. John Neumann is the home parish of State Chaplain Fr. Paul Ballien. [05/06/2021]

VA Hospital Collection Recognition

At the April 13 council meeting, Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 Faithful Navigator Gene Suchyta presented to the council the Patriotic Service Award for helping with the the Detroit VA Hospital collection in February, 2021. Through the generosity of the council, and others in the area, many items were collected and delivered. [04/15/2021]

April 2021 Family of the Month

At the April 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized the Beth and Julius Pablo family as the April Family of the Month.

Julius is a SJN Parish member since 1995. Beth is a SJN Parish member since 1996. They met each other through a mutual friend while attending mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1998. They continued to grow closer as part of the same Growing In Faith Together (GIFT) group. They were married on September 28, 2002, by Fr. George Charnley.

Julius and Beth have two children. Ryan (14) is a freshman at Salem High School, and belongs to the SJN High School Youth Group. He just celebrated his Confirmation this past August. Ryan is a bowler and plays for the Salem High School JV and Canton Super Bowl Strike Force Bowling Teams. He also plays trumpet in the PCEP High School Band. Sara (8) is a 3rd grader at Bentley Elementary School. She participates in the 3rd Grade Religious Education and Vacation Bible School at SJN. She just celebrated her 1st Communion this past August.

Julius was an analytical chemist for Parke-Davis/Warner-Lambert/Pfizer for 12 years. He also worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator at U of M Hospital for 2 years. He is currently a Stay-at-Home Dad. Beth is a Senior Fuels Engineer for Ford Motor Company and just celebrated her 25th anniversary.

Julius has been a 3rd Degree K of C member since 2017, and a 4th Degree K of C member since 2020. He volunteers for Tootsie Roll Drives, Salvation Army Holiday Bell Ringers, 24-hr Adoration Security, Reverse-Raffle Events, and SJN Spring Clean-up/Beautification projects. He was an Alpha Program Participant, an Exodus90 Participant, Couples Prayer Series Participant and currently a Connect Group member and an Exodus91 Participant. Julius is a member of the SJN Bowling League. He also plays the trumpet and a member of the Canton Concert Band, and The Tabasco Cats Dixieland Band. Beth was also an Alpha Program Participant, a Couples Prayer Series Participant, a Chosen Program Small Group Leader, and is currently a Connect Group member and 3rd Grade Bible Study Assistant Catechist. As a family, we love music, camping with friends and visiting with family. Julius and Sara love to ride roller-coasters. Julius and Ryan love to play video games.

Congratulations Beth, Julius, Ryan and Beth Pablo! [04/15/2021]

Coats for Kids Recognition

At the April council meeting, brother Gene Suchyta was recognized for helping with the distribution of Coats for Kids in December, 2020. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide new coats to hundreds of kids through the generosity of the councils in the state. Hans helped distribute those coats to needy children in the Detroit area. Thanks, Gene! [04/14/2021]

April 2021 Knight of the Month

At the April council meeting, District Deputy Brian Zahn brother Joe Bradley were recognized as Knights of the Month. Both Brian and Joe helped host the St. Patrick's Day Reverse Raffle on March 17.

Congratulations Brian and Joe as our Knightsof the Month for April 2021! [04/14/2021]

March 2021 Family of the Month

At the April 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized Steve and Pam Sarlitto as the March Family of the Month.

Steve has been married to his wife Pam for 37 years. Steve is originally from Chicago area; Pam is from central Indiana. They met at Purdue University and both graduated from there in 1982. They moved to Canton in 1987 and immediately joined St. John Neumann. They have one grown child Eric who is married to Kate and they live in Indianapolis. They are expecting their first child in early April, Steve, and Pam’s first Grandchild! Steve recently retired from ZF Automotive Group (formerly TRW) after a 36½ year career in automotive electronics development and management. Pam retired from the Michigan State University Extension Service in 2017 from her role as a Foreclosure Prevention Specialist.

Steve and Pam have together been involved in several Parish ministries since joining SJN. They are both Eucharistic Ministers at 8:30am Mass and have been since 1988, and since 1990 they have served as Baptismal Preparation Teachers. They were Co-Leaders of Young Marrieds Group from 1989 to 1994. They both have had leadership roles for several SJN Faith Sharing Programs. They were Recruiting Team members for the RENEW and GIFT programs from 1989 through 1995, Section Presenters for Journeys in Faith in 2009, and ALPHA Table Leader and Helper in 2015. They also participated with their RENEW group in a “Sandwich Ministry” in the Cass Corridor.

Steve was a member of Parish Council from 1998 to 2004 and has been a regular participant on Men’s Prayer Breakfast from its beginning. Pam has been a Teacher for the First Communion Preparation classes and is a trained Sacristan and available when needed. Steve enjoys being a member of the SJN Men’s Softball Team. Pam and Steve have both been members of the SJN Bowling league.

Outside of SJN Steve is involved in the Boy Scouts of America having held several Volunteer positions since 1999. Since 2005 he has volunteered with the Athletic Committee of the Dad’s Club at Detroit Catholic Central High School.

Fun Fact: They met when Steve threw a snowball at Pam and explained to Pam that he had never seen snow before attending college.

Congratulations Steve and Pam! [04/14/2021]

St. Patrick's Day Reverse Raffle

On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 (St. Patrick's Day), members of the council, and a handful of spectators, joined us for the St. Patrick's Day Reverse Raffle. The event was chaired by PGK Dan Timmerman, PGK Brian Zahn pulling the numbers helped by Joe Bradley and quite a few others making sure things ran smoothly.

Prize winners from the raffle were:

Steve Otting
Tim Lauster
Joe Bradley
Todd Gross
Ken Svoboda
Mike McIntosh
Joe Camill
Bill Springer
Christina Wallace
Jerry Heiss
Adrienne Bodnar

Rebecca Stephens
Diane Drechnowicz
Kevin Crabill
Dan Pfeiffer
Suzanne Loosbrock
Nancy Wegrzyn
Luke Timmerman
Joyce Hansen
Jim Demmer
Paula Stenske

Gary Sienkiewicz
Christa Laurin
Pat Millenbach
Fr. Paul Ballien
Emily Suchyta
Mike Cabaj
Suzanne Mack
Gloria Miller
Jeff Matheny
Cindy Redman

All winners should be contacted by email or phone. [03/21/2021]

Coats for Kids Recognition

At the March council meeting, brothers Hans Hansen was recognized for helping with the distribution of Coats for Kids in December, 2020. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide new coats to hundreds of kids through the generosity of the councils in the state. Hans helped distribute those coats to needy children in the Detroit area. Thanks, Hans! [03/16/2021]

March 2021 Knight of the Month

At the March council meeting, Jeff Battistella was recognized as Knight of the Month. Jeff is a Knight officer (Warden) and a member of the 4th Degree. He regularly volunteers at multiple Knight programs including Membership Drives, Mental Impairment Drives, car washes, free throw and soccer challenges and reverse raffles. In addition, you will see Jeff supporting parish hospitality weekends, picnics, right-to-life crosses, church landscaping and decorating. Jeff also participates in faith programs including Alpha, That Man is You and Men’s Evening Program.

Congratulations Brother Jeff as our Knight of the Month March 2021! [03/16/2021]

Star District Award

At the District Meeting on February 3, 2021, and the council meeting on February 9, 2021, our District Deputiy Brian Zahn was recognized for achieving Star District. Congratulations, Brian! [02/10/2021]

Joe Camille 5-Year Recognition

At the February 2021 council meeting, brother Joe Camille was recognized for five years as a Knight of Columbus. Congratulations, Joe! [02/10/2021]

February 2021 Knight of the Month

At the February council meeting, Dave Andreolli was recognized as Knight of the Month. Dave has participated in Coats for Kids, Usher Extraordinaire, Hot Dog Griller at Parish Picnic and the Reverse Raffle.

Congratulations Brother Dave as our Knight of the Month February 2021! [02/09/2021]

2020 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Winners Honored

At the January council meeting, winners of the 2020 Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest were honored with certificates and gift cards. The Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus as a way to help keep school-aged children focused on the reason for the season - Jesus! [01/12/2021]

Coats for Kids Recognition

At the January council meeting, brothers Paul Bak and Joe Pryce were recognized for helping with the distribution of Coats for Kids in December, 2020. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide new coats to hundreds of kids through the generosity of the councils in the state. Paul and Joe helped distribute those coats to needy children in the Detroit area. Thanks, Paul and Joe! [01/12/2021]

January 2021 Knight of the Month

Michael recently chaired our Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest. He jumped right in and purchased the gift cards. He made sure the forms and poster boards were ready for Religious Formation Classes and secured volunteers to meet each class and parents. He worked with All Saints School Art Teacher to get them all supplies needed to have the students participate. All Saints was virtual until just prior to judging of the posters and Michael was able to get the posters so we could include them in the contest.

Congratulations Brother Michael as our Knight of the Month January 2021! [01/12/2021]

January 2021 Family of the Month

At the January 2021 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the Deacon Pat and Laurie Conlen.

Deacon Pat has been our Deacon at St. John Neumann since his ordination in 1998. He is the Chaplain for the Canton Public Safety Department for 8 year. Deacon Pat is a Brother Knight and Sir Knight in the 4th Degree. He assists our Priests at many Sunday Masses, Adorations, and Baptisms. He is a great role model for our youth.

Most everyone is aware of his public ministry at the parish, and there are some behind the scenes things as well. He helps at various funeral homes when they need clergy to provide services for families, and often Laurie comes with him to provide some cantor service. They are involved with the Diaconate community on the Admissions and Scrutiny committee. They interview candidates and their wives at the end of each academic year, as well as applicants for the formation program. Laurie is a past cantor at SJN, and still volunteers to help bring dishes for funeral lunches.

While Deacon Pat is the chaplain, Laurie often is impacted by this ministry as well. Her support in His ministry has always been a blessing from God and makes all He does possible.

They have 1 son, Sean, and he has been married to his wife, Priti (pronounced Preethee) for 7 years. They have 2 daughters: Leena is 3 and Mara is 1. Sean is a lawyer in the Navy JAG, and Priti is a doctor in the Navy. They live in Alexandria, VA. They make the trip to see them as often as possible. They will be heading that way toward the end of January.

Congratulations to Deacon Pat and Laurie Conlen! [01/12/2021]

December 2020 Council Recognition

At the December 2020 meeting, brother Ken Svoboda wa recognized with five years as a Knight of Columbus. Additionally, brother Larry Redman was recognized for helping Jeff Matheny family with various autumn chores as Jeff recovers from surgery. [12/28/2020]

December 2020 Family of the Month

At the December 2020 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the Vincent, Jahna, and Christopher Kotcher.

Vincent, Jahna, and Christopher. Jahna and Christopher both participate in the parish book club and the Great Adventure Bible Study (Thursday online group). She also teaches sixth grade Catechism classes with Christopher as her work schedule permits. Christopher and Vincent attend the Thursday Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Christopher helped with our MI Drive.

Congratulations to Vincent, Jahna, and Christopher Kotcher! [12/28/2020]

December 2020 Knight of the Month

Tom is a work horse at our Pancake breakfasts. He keeps us well organized and serves pancakes with a smile. He routinely volunteers at Mental Impairment Drive (aka Tootsie Roll Drive), Membership Drives, Hospitality weekends, car washes, parish picnics, Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest and assisting Brother Knights in need (raking leaves). He is a Lector and member of Men’s Prayer Breakfast and a Connect group. He has participated in Alpha and That Man Is You series. [12/28/2020]

Knighting of New Sir Knight Deacon Pat Conlen

After the November 29, 2020 12:30pm Mass, Deacon Pat Conlen received the honor of being knighted and becoming a Fourth Degree Sir Knights in the Knights of Columbus. Faithful Navigator Gene Suchyta was on hand to perform the knighting. Deacon Pat was exemplified during an online ceremony on November 24, 2020. Congratulations! [11/29/2020]

New Brothers Join the Council

On November 29, 2020, our council held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann after the 12:30pm Mass. Seven brothers were exemplified to the Third Degree, all from St. John Neumann. Region 5 State Deputy Representative Paul Thorn was present to invest the brothers with the Emblem of the Order. District Deputy Brian Zahn and South End Archdiocesan Membership Director Hans Hansen were also on hand. Congratulations and welcome new brothers Dan Schlagheck, Stephen Meibers, Paul Bak, Roger Biernat, Vincent Anwunah, Clinton Randall, and Steven Sarlitto! [11/29/2020]

November 2020 Knight of the Month

At the November 2020 meeting, Joseph Henn Jr. was recognized as Knight of the Month for November. Brother Knight Joseph has been busy this fall helping with Rosary Crusade Procession and MI Drive. Joseph has also helped with the Free Throw Contest last winter. Congratulations, Joseph! [11/22/2020]

2019-2020 Family of the Year - The Zahn Family

At the November 2020 the Zahn family was recognized as Family of the Year for 2019-2020.

Brian is Past Grand Knight of our Council and currently is a District Deputy for the Knights. This year Brian was the financial director for our highly successful St. Patrick's Party/Reverse Raffle fund raiser where we raised $10,630. He coordinates the monthly refreshments for the Parish's hospitality weekend, run by the Knights. Brian is also a Lector, the Hospitality Refreshments Coordinator, and a member of the St. John Neumann Finance Council. Brian is Vice-President of the Board for Journey to Housing and is the Treasurer-elect for The Plymouth Community United Way. He is a United Way Alexis de Tocqueville member.

Kelly has coordinated the District donation for the Holy Cross Children's Services Christmas bath baskets and sweatshirts. She is on the St. John Neumann Leadership team and a member of Neumann's Needlers. She has been an Alpha Host, Helper, and Session Leader. She is a Vacation Bible School Assistant and is the Past Parish Vision Team Chair-Discipleship.

Both Brian and Kelly are part of the Funeral and Rosary Ministry, are Eucharistic Ministers, and are members of the Marriage Prep team. Both are Co-Chairs for the newly established Marriage Alpha program. Both participate in a "Connect Group" that meets monthly in homes with 18 other couples. They share a meal, personal testimony and praise and worship.

Carl has been a member of the Knights since 2018. Carl has volunteered as a helper with the Lenten Supper and Car Wash fund-raiser. Carl has also helped with Hospitality Weekend at Church. Carl is a Eucharistic Minister, Usher and a member of the Young Adult Group. Carl is active in Lewis University's Ministry as a retreat leader.

Roger is a Eucharistic Minister, Usher, and is part of the Young Adult Youth Ministry, and has participated in the "That Man is You" program.

Kathleen was last year’s Vacation Bible School Coordinator, is an Usher, a Young Adult Leader and was a member of the St. John Neumann Youth Group leadership team.

Congratulations to the Brian and Kelly Zahn family. [11/16/2020]

November 2020 Family of the Month

At the November 2020 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the Dave and LaVerne Andreolli.

Dave and LaVerne have been members from 1979 till 1983 and then from 1993 till today. A total of 31 years. We have 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. They have lived in Canton since 1975.

Dave has been a usher at 9:00 am and now 8:30 am mass for 31 years. He is the co-coordinator of the Funeral Luncheons Ministry. Dave helps do the cooking of hot dogs and help with set-up at the Summer Parish Picnic. Dave does volunteer work with the Knights, Tootsie Rolls, Recruiting, Pancake Breakfasts, Monthly First Sunday Donuts, St. Patty's Day Party. Dave is a Eucharistic Minister. He has worked the kitchen with clean-up and setup for the Alpha Presentations. Worked the kitchen and did the cooking for Fr. Paul's birthday Party. Worked the kitchen and did the cooking (Chili) for the Women and Men’s Prayer Night. Helped with weekly Thursday “Pray and Play” Program (set-up and clean-up). Senior Member of the Young Adults Ministry.

LaVerne is a Eucharistic Minister. She has been an Alpha Table helper. Volunteer member with the Funeral Luncheons (Does prep and clean-up). Assists Parish Women’s Group. Trained Sacristan when needed. Senior Member of the Young Adult Ministry. Helped with the weekly Thursday “Pray and Play” Program. Volunteer for Parish Picnic. LaVerne is also a Lady Knight.

Congratulations to Dave and LaVerne Andreolli. [11/10/2020]

October 2020 Knight of the Month

At the November 2020 meeting, Dan Skotak was recognized as Knight of the Month for October. Dan is involved in many areas besides being a Knight. Brother Dan has been busy in helping with Memorial Crosses setup and take down, a Catechist for Chosen, helped with our annual fundraiser Reverse Raffle, Hospitality Weekends, Membership Drive, and Life Chain. Congratulations, Dan! [11/10/2020]

Mass Honoring Beatification of Fr. Michael J. McGivney

On Saturday, October 31, 2020, our State Chaplain, Fr. Paul Ballien, celebrated a Mass at St. John Neumann in Canton honoring the beatification of the Knights of Columbus founder Fr. Michael J. McGivney. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps, many of them members of our council, were on hand for the celebration. [10/31/2020]

67th Michigan Ultrasound Machine

This past year, St John Neumann Council 16169 joined with 16 other councils and District Deputy Charlie Rozum to help purchase the 67th ultrasound machine in Michigan. This machine is at Family Life Services in Ypsilanti, and was placed on October 15, 2020. Bob Rugenski from our council was on hand for the event.

You can read the full article at [10/28/2020]

Knighting of New Fourth Degree Sir Knights

Just prior to the start of the October 13 Council Meeting, seven brothers received the honor of being knighted and becoming Fourth Degree Sir Knights in the Knights of Columbus. Master Emeritus Frank Pawelak was on hand to perform the knighting. This new Sir Knights were exemplified during an online ceremony on September 26, 2020. The new Sir Knights are Julius Pablo, Tom Solak, Bob Liebau, Jeff Battistella, Larry Redman, Tom Solak, Ron Rathbun and Dave Andreolli. Congratulations! [10/15/2020]

October 2020 Family of the Month

At the October 2020 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the John and Nancy McGee.

John and Nancy joined SJN about fifteen years ago. John works as a tax accountant, and Nancy teaches English at a community college. They live in a log home south of Belleville.

In addition to being a Knight, John has participated at SJN through being a volunteer at the blood drives and food pantry, serving as an EMHC, media minister, occasional sacristan, catechist aid and helping out at many of the special events, such as the parish picnic, St. Pat’s Senior Center dinner, and International Dinner. He has also enjoyed participating in the church’s bowling league, Alpha, and the Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible series, where he handled the videos.

Nancy has been in the Women’s Organization and has served as a sacristan for Masses and funerals, lector, RCIA facilitator, food pantry volunteer, Alpha prayer team member, interviewer for Called and Gifted, co-chair of Adult Faith Formation, and helper at special events such as the International Dinner. She has been a host and helper for Alpha sessions and, as parish vicariate rep, served on the Parish Council. She currently coordinates the Saturday book discussion group and online Story of Salvation Bible study and serves on the Discipleship Committee.

Congratulations to John and Nancy McGee. [10/14/2020]

2019-2020 Star Council Award

For the 2019-2020 Fraternal Year, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was presented the 5 Star Council Award. This impressive feat was made possible with the help of many people recruiting members to join the assembly. Pictured are membership director Larry Redman, Grand Knight Ed Hurst Jr., District Deputy Brian Zahn, Fr. Paul Ballien and Immediate Past Grand Knight Dan Timmerman. Note that during the 2019-2020 Fraternal Year, Dan was Grand Knight and Ed was Deputy Grand Knight. [10/13/2020]

Fall 2020 Tootsie Roll MI Drive

On the weekend of October 11 and 12, members of our Council and their families, as well as other Councils across Michigan, were taking contributions for Tootsie Rolls. All proceeds from our Council will go to help those developmentally challenged in Canton. Collections were taken at St. John Neumann after all masses. [10/11/2020]

Eucharistic Procession and Holy Rosary

On Saturday, October 10, at 12:00pm, together with the America Needs Fatima Campaign, the St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council will be hosted a Eucharistic Procession and Rosary that began at the front doors of St. John Neumann Church. The Color Corps from Knights of Columbus Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 and St. Francis of Assisi assembly 2136 joined us in the procession that included both knights as well as families and parishioners. Much thanks to brothers Dan Pfeiffer and Joe Camill for organizing the event. [10/10/2020]

Right-To-Life Cross Setup

On Saturday morning, September 26, 2020, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and others help setup right-to-life crosses at St. John Neumann. [09/26/2020]

Patriotic Rosary, September 16, 2020

On September 17, 2020, following the 9:00am Mass, a Patriotic Rosary was said for the United States of America, the states as well as those in political office. Special prayers were included as well as a patriotic song after each decade of the Rosary. The Color Corps from Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 was on hand to post and retrieve the colors before and after the Rosary. [09/18/2020]

September 2020 Family of the Month

At the August 2020 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the Lang Family. Chuck, Nancy, Phillip, Nicole, Derek, Trent, and Autumn.

Nicole and Derek joined the parish as a family in 2019. Since joining the parish, Nicole has volunteered and been involved with Vacation Bible School, Family Ministry and participated in the Pray and Play program. Her latest SJN volunteer effort was organizing and coordinating the Michigan Foster Care Closet Clothing Drive at the church involving her entire family and several parish volunteers. They packed 154 boxes, each box containing one and a half weeks of clothing for 154 foster children in Southeast Michigan. She also was able to involve The Neumann Needlers in the making of 39 blankets for the Foster Children. As a family they also volunteer their time during Christmas to ring the bell for Salvation Army.

Phillip has offered his time helping with the Reverse Raffle, the Landscape and mulching project around the church grounds and putting up the Christmas lights on the outside of the church. In addition, he assisted with the Michigan Foster Care Closet Clothing project. He also volunteers his time ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and provides many hours of help for the annual Plymouth Rotary Chicken BBQ.

Nancy continues to be involved in several efforts around the church over the years. Presently she volunteers for the Funeral Guild helping during the luncheons and is a caller for food donations. She is a member of Neumann Needlers and volunteers her time for the Jesse Tree project, the Reverse Raffle and the parish picnic. She also helped with Fr. Mark's farewell reception and spent many hours helping with the Michigan Foster Care Closet project. She is a member of the Plymouth Rotary Club's "Days for Girls Team" volunteering her sewing and teaching skills in making feminine hygiene kits for girls in third world countries. Nancy also offers her time to help with Rotary’s Golf Classic and Chicken BBQ.

Chuck, who retired 8 years ago, has managed to stay active and involved doing what he can to help and assist others. Over the years, he has been involved in numerous activities and church committees. As a member of SJN’s Knights of Columbus, he is serving his second year as Chancellor. Presently he participates in the Thursday morning Men's Prayer Breakfast, serves on the Funeral Guild usually doing the pots and pans after the meal, has served on the VBS committee and this Spring, assisted with the landscape and mulching effort around the church grounds. He served as a Table Coordinator for TMIY and helped initiate the very first parish fundraising event serving as co-chair of the Reverse Raffle and now serves as a committee member. He volunteers for the Pancake breakfast events, the parish picnics and putting up the outside Christmas decorations around the church. He also assisted with the Michigan Foster Care Closet project and Fr. Mark's Farewell reception.

During his spare time, Chuck serves on several community non-profit Boards. He is a Board Member of the Detroit Great Lakes Field Service Council, Boy Scouts of America, serves as a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board in Plymouth and a Board Member of the Greater Plymouth-Canton Service Project for Kids Against Hunger. Chuck has been a Rotarian since 1976 and remains very active with the Rotary Club of Plymouth serving on the Golf Classic committee, The World Service Disaster Relief committee, and the Rotary Youth Leadership committee. He also serves as the Advisor to Rotary's High School Youth program the "Interact Club" at the P-CEP with 163 participating students. Not having enough to do, he was recently elected to serve a second term as President of the Rotary Club's Foundation Board.

For the past two years, Chuck and Nancy have also served as Host Parents for the Rotary Foreign Exchange Student program hosting a young man from Denmark and one from Finland each for 3 months.

Chuck and Nancy believe that the more you do and give, that you will be blessed in many positive ways. They feel they are very fortunate to be able to do the things they do. They also believe that a family that volunteers and prays together stays together!

Congratulations to the Lang Family. Chuck, Nancy, Phillip, Nicole, Derek, Trent, and Autumn. [09/08/2020]

September 2020 Knight of the Month

At the September 2020 meeting, Michael Pilotto was recognized as Knight of the Month. Michael/Mikey is involved in a lot of services besides being a Knight. He ushers two masses a week, helps the sacristans, and greets all as they enter the church. Michael has attended our Special Olympics Halloween Dance every year. Michael is always volunteering for any of the outreach programs and has helped with flower planting. Mikey most recently helped with VBS as the Grey Line Helper for Rocky Railway - Jesus Power Pulls Us Through. Quote from his mother: "Michaels most important gift from God is his smile and sincere love for everyone." Congratulations, Michael! [09/08/2020]

August 2020 Corporate Communion and Officer Installation

On Sunday, August 30, 2020, District Deputy Brian Zahn installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions after Corporate Communion mass. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event. Rev. Paul Ballien was installed as Council Chaplain and was on hand for blessings. [08/30/2020]

2020 State Officer Installation

On Saturday, August 29, 2020, Our new State Deputy, Former District Master Walter Winkle installed State Officers, State Directors, Diocesan Directors, and District Deputies at St. Christopher Catholic Church in Marysville, MI. Our very own Fr. Paul Ballien was installed as State Chaplain. A reception followed at Knight Club. [08/29/2020]

August 2020 Family of the Month

At the August 2020 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the Gasiorowski family: Nate, Chelsea, Joseph and Gabriella.

The Gasiorowski family has been a member of our parish for 5 years. Nate and Chelsea have 2 children. Joseph (5) and Gabriella (2). They have been married for 7 years. They met at St. Joseph Parish in South Lyon one weekend while filling in for the music minister. Chelsea is a canter and organist. Nate is a pianist and a Brother Knight. At SJN, together they are involved with music ministry, Alpha table leaders, couple prayer & co-lead the young family connect group. Nate has also been involved with Men's Prayer Breakfast, That Man is You, & Men Rise Up. As a family they enjoy being outside, gardening, walks and biking.

Congratulations to the Gasiorowski Family. Nate, Chelsea, Joseph, and Gabriella. [08/19/2020]

August 2020 Knight of the Month

At the August 2020 meeting, Ron Rathbun was recognized as Knight of the Month. Ron is an Honorary Life Member. Every year Ron and his wife take donations from K of C Councils in the area yearly, so they can give Christmas gifts to needy people in that area. Ron calls it "Christmas in the Philippines." Congratulations, Ron! [08/19/2020]

St. John Neumann Blue Mass, Tuesday, August 11, 2020

On Tuesday, August 11, 2020, members of the Pope John XXIII Assembly #1536 Color Corps (with members from our SJN council) participated in the 11:00am Blue Mass held at St. John Neumann in Canton. About a dozen first responders were at the mass held to honor those that put their life on the line for the community every day. [08/11/2020]

July 2020 Family of the Month

At the July 2020 meeting, the Knights recognized as Family of the Month the Pilotto family: Joe, Beth Ann, Michael, Michelle Pilotto Kennedy, Marilyn Pilotto Ross, Marlene Pilotto, and Mark Pilotto.

The Pilotto family has been a member of our parish for 34 years. Joe and Beth Ann have 6 adult children. They have been married for 45 years but were just married in the Catholic Church just two years ago in June.

We know best their daughter and son-in-law, Michele and Dave Kennedy, their son Michael, and Bethann.

Michele, Dave and Michael have truly been a spiritual inspiration for Beth Ann.

Beth Ann retired a little more than a year ago and she was pulled toward SJN. Fun note: The First Monday of her retirement she went to mass and announced to all there that she was retired, and Fr Paul said that we’ll be getting in touch with you. Beth Ann after joining the Women’s organization went from V P to President the next year. She loves this group! They are all so eager to serve the Lord in a variety of ways, prayer, fund raising, socializing, and charitable services. Love spending time with her Grandkids. Which is one of the reasons she enjoys helping at Pray and Play. Beth Ann has been involved in planning many parish gatherings, kitchen ministry, a group leader for VBS and most recently was Fr. Marks Appreciation Reception.

Michael/Mikey is involved in a lot of services besides being a Knight. He ushers two masses a week, helps the sacristan’s, and greets all as they enter the church. Michael is always volunteering for any of the outreach programs and helped with flower planting, and his most important gift from God is his smile and sincere love for everyone. Michele and Dave a fellow brother Knight, most important calling right now Mentors for the Witness to Love program for engaged couples.

Congratulations to the Pilotto Family. Joe, Beth Ann, Michael, Michelle Pilotto Kennedy, Marilyn Pilotto Ross, Marlene Pilotto, and Mark Pilotto. Congratulations! [07/22/2020]

July 2020 Knight of the Month

At the July 2020 meeting, Chuck Lang and Larry Redman were recognized as Co-Knight of the Month.

Larry Redman, our Membership Director, was recognized as a co-Knight of the Month. Larry has been busy helping us reach our goal and exceed it. He helped get the new Knights scheduled for the online Exemplifications and current Knights attend their Third Degree. He is also one of the Co-Leads of a Connect Group that meets monthly.

Chuck Lang, our Chancellor and FIA Community Director, was recognized as a co-Knight of the Month. Member of the Men's Prayer Breakfast. Helped with VBS Summer 2019. Chuck helped with parish grounds cleanup and getting the part II mulch spread out volunteers. Congratulations! [07/22/2020]

Thank-you's From the Philippines

Brother Ron Rathbun has finally returned from the Philippines. Every year Ron and his wife take donations from KofC Councils in the area so they can give Christmas gifts to needy people in that area. Ron calls it "Christmas in the Philippines." This year, because of COVID-19, Ron was challenged in leaving the islands and only recently returned. (Our online meetings helped in stay connected to us!) Before leaving, the people in the area decided to make a card to send their thanks. [07/16/2020]

Rosary Rally, Lansing, June 30, 2020

On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, members of our council joined other Catholics at the state capital in Lansing, MI for a Rosary Rally. [06/30/2020]

Church Grounds Cleanup, Part 2

On Saturday, June 13, members of our council and the Landscaping Ministry completed the church grounds cleanup that was started a couple of weekends prior. Forty cubic yards of mulch was delivered and spread in the flower beds and other areas to help provide a nice finish to the landscaping around the church. [06/18/2020]

Special Recognition: Fr. Mark

Fr. Mark received special recognition from the Knights for all support and spiritual guidance he has provided since coming to St. John Neumann. Additionally, fr. Mark also received from the Knights KofC vestments for use at Mass. [06/09/2020]

Special Recognition: Fr. Paul

Fr. Paul received special recognition from the Knights for all support and spiritual guidance he has provided since coming to St. John Neumann. [06/09/2020]

June 2020 Family of the Month

The Knights recognized Walter and Shaunnah as Family of the Month. Congratulations! [06/09/2020]

June 2020 Knight of the Month

On June 9, 2020, the Knights recognized Marshall Grazioli as Knight of the Month. Congratulations! [06/09/2020]

March 2020 Family of the Month

The Knights recognized the Cameron and Nicole Gibelyou family as Family of the Month. Cameron and Nicole were nominated by our associate pastor, Father Mark Livingston.

Cameron's family attends Sunday Mass and Friday Adoration weekly. They prioritize making Sundays a day of rest and pray together each night as a family. Cameron and Nicole have a "book club" where they set aside time at least once each week to discuss Catholic spiritual reading and their life of faith together.

Cameron teaches at the University of Michigan, where he founded and organizes a group called CSUM, Catholic Scholars of the University of Michigan. The members discuss how to integrate their Catholic faith into their work. He has also given invited public talks for venues like Theology on Tap and community centers, on a wide variety of topics.

Nicole coordinates the email list for the Family Ministry at St. John Neumann. She is the founder and organizer of Spiritual Oasis, a parish-independent Catholic young family community. She has also published a book entitled "Praying through Baby's First Year", that is available on

Joshua, age 3, is an active member of (and key inspiration for) Pray and Play at SJN, where he attends daily Mass on Thursdays, plays, and makes color cards for various needs, including food pantry baskets, nursing homes and first responders.

Congratulations! [03/10/2020]

March 2020 Knight of the Month

On March 10, 2020, the Knights recognized Chuck Lang and Dan Bihn as Co Knights of the Month. Dan and Chuck were the co-chairs of our 2nd annual St. Patrick's Party and Reverse Raffle Fund-raiser where we raised over $10,000 for charity. Dan participates in and supports several Knight Events throughout the year. Dan is also involved in leadership positions with the Boy Scouts for many years. Chuck is heavily involved in leadership positions with the Rotary Club and Salvation Army. Chuck has also been involved in leadership positions with the Boy Scouts. Congratulations! [03/10/2020]

Council Recognition, March, 2020

Brother John Crabill and Grand Knight Dan Timmerman and were recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [03/10/2020]

St. Patrick's Day Party/Reverse Raffle, March 7, 2020

On March 7, 2020, the SJN Knights of Columbus hosted a St. Patrick's Day Party/Reverse Raffle. Games of chance, along with corned beef and cabbage and lots of green beer were available to the 300 people that attended. Much fun was had by all. This is the Knight's largest fundraiser. Proceeds from the event will be used to fund charitable work done by our Knights of Columbus council. [03/07/2020]

Newly Exemplified Brothers

On March 1, 2020, our council held its first Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann after the 12:30pm Mass. Eight brothers were exemplified to the Third Degree: one from Immaculate Conception Council 4513 and the remaining seven from St. John Neumann. State Warden Charlie McCuen was present to invest the brtohers with the Emblem of the Order. Congratulations to Theodore Malone (Immaculate Conception), John Snow, Russell Seely, Fred Morath, Gabriel Wykle, Philip McKay, Ehinor Arhebamen! [03/01/2020]

District Free Throw Contest

On February 15, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 hosted the District Basketball Free Throw Challenge in the gym. The challenge consists of the winners of the Council BAsketball Free Throw contests in our district.

The winners advance to the State competition. Thank you to all who participated, and good luck to the winners! [02/15/2020]

February 2020 Family of the Month

The Knights recognized the Skotak family as our Family of the Month. The family attends Mass weekly, are regular attendees of the family ministry and the family has participated in the Special Olympics Halloween Dance. The family has also participated in Kids Against Hunger at St. Edith's parish. Dan and Nicole are catechists and teach a 5th and 6th-grade split class. Dan and Nicole have participated in Alpha and Dan have participated in the TMIY program. Dan is a member of the Knights of Columbus and has participated in Adoration security, Special Olympic games, and other Knight events. Nicole is a member of the SJN Women's Organization. Their daughters, Abby and Anna, attend religious education classes and Vacation Bible school. Abby is an Altar Server, a member of the children's choir, is a children's cantor and plays softball at All Saints school. Six-year-old Anna is very proud of her Catholic faith and is learning prayers in Latin. She has already learned the Sign of the Cross and the Pater Noster. Congratulations! [02/11/2020]

February 2020 Knight of the Month

On February 11, 2020, the Knights recognized Marshall Grazioli as our Knight of the Month. Marshall holds the officer position of Lecturer and is the Knights Faith in Action Director - Life. Marshall is a Respect Life Ministry Lead and part of the Christian Service Committee. Marshall chaired the KofC Free Throw contest for children ages 9-14 and is chairing the KofC District Free Throw competition. He is a part of the Baby Bottle Boomerang campaign for Family Life Services. Marshall chaired the trip this month to Forgotten Harvest where he worked in the morning with the group from SJN and worked the afternoon shift with the Knights and their families packaging food products for local charities to be distributed to needy families. Marshall is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Congratulations! [02/11/2020]

Council Recognition, February, 2020

District Deputy, Past Grand Knight and Sir Knight Brian Zahn was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [02/11/2020]

February 2020 Pancake Breakfast for Seminarian Nick Brown

On February 2, 2020, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 hels a panckae breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast will directly support Seminarian Nick Brown at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Nick is a member of the St. John Neumann Parish and also a Knight of Columbus. [02/02/2020]

2020 Free Throw Contest

On February 1, 2020, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held its 3rd Annual Basketball Free Throw Challenge in the gym. The challenge consists of boy and girls ages 9 to 14 competing within their age and gender to see who can make the most of 15 free throws. This year, fourteen (14) competitors in 7 age/gender categories particpated.

The winners for the ladies were Xochitl Mungula and Noella Hurst.

The winners for the gentlemen were: Andrew Hoeft, Charley Day, Andres Mungula, Peter Do and Grant Lynn.

The winners advance to the District Level competition to be held at St. John Neumman in Canton on February 15. Thank you to all who participated, and good luck to the winners! [02/01/2020]

Keep Christ In Christmas Winner

On January 21, 2020, winners of the Keep Christ in Christmas were honored and presented with their awards.

In the Age 5-7 Division: winner Sophia Smith and runner-up Cecilia Adelman.

In the Age 8-10 Division: winner Colleen Shaw and runner-up Ava Kurzyniec.

In the Age 11-14 Division: winner Noella Hurst.

Congratulations to all! [01/21/2020]

January 2020 Family of the Month

The Knights recognized Nick, Kelli, William and Luke Timmerman family as our Family of the Month. Nick is a member of the Knights of Columbus, is in the church choir and is a cantor for weekend Masses. Nick has been on the Evangelization Commission. Nick, William and Luke, have volunteered at Halloween Dance for Special Olympics. Kelli has been a member of the St. John Neumann Women's Organization and helps out when needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word. Kelli has volunteered at Vacation Bible School and both William and Luke have attended VBS. William attends religious education classes, is an altar server and has been a member of, and a cantor for the Children's Choir. Luke attends Children's Liturgy of the Word. The entire family attends Mass weekly. Congratulations! [01/21/2020]

Council Recognition, January, 2020 - Knight of the Month

Brothers John Guth and Gene Suchyta were reconized as co-Knights of the Month. Worthy Recorder John Guth is an active member of the board of officers. He recently chaired our Keep Christ in Christmas contest. We had 42 contestants, our largest turnout ever. John regularly helps out at council and church events. Worthy Faithful Navigator Gene Suchyta started and maintains our website. He's a photographer for the council and posts everyone's photos on the website. He creates sign up lists for all of our events and posts current news and events. He is a member of the church choir and is a cantor. He also schedules the cantors. [01/21/2020]

Council Recognition, January, 2020 - Years of Service

Brothers Bob Rugenski, Marshall Grazioli and Ed Hurst were recognized for 5 years of service to the Knights. [01/21/2020]

Newly Exemplified Brothers

On January 14, 2020, Knights of Columbus Michigan State officers held a Winter Diocesan meeting at St. John Neumann. The meeting started with the new Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Nine of SJN's brothers were Exemplified by the State Leadership Team with the State Deputy investing the Rosary and presenting the Emblem of the Order to the New Knights. This was quite an honor. Congratulations to SJN brothers Michael Tallman (new), Greg Link (new), Greg Pietron (new), Deacon Pat Conlen, John Kim, Len Spas, Joe Wedesky, Jeff Patsy, and Rich Florence! [01/14/2020]

December Family of the Month

The Knights recognized the Howe family as our December Family of the Month. Mike and Elise are actively involved in the Family Ministry at SJN. They attend Mass regularly with their two young children, Peter and Frances. Elise also serves as a writer for "Blessed is She" a ministry for Catholic women. They were presented with their certificate by the Knights after 10:30 Mass on Sunday, December 16. Pictured in the back row, John Guth, Joe Pryce, Craig Pryce, Jim Pryce. Front row, Dan Timmerman, Mike Howe holding Frances, Peter Howe, Elise Howe, Father Paul, Father Mark, Dave Kennedy, and Chuck Lang. Congratulations! [12/15/2019]

Council Recognition, December, 2019 - Knight of the Month

Our Knight of the Month, recognized at our December meeting, was Ron Kretschmer. Ron has handled all refreshments at our membership meetings for over a year. He has been a table leader at both the Men’s Prayer Breakfast and the “That Man is You” program. He is currently attending the men’s program, “Who am I to Judge”? You can always see Ron attending many programs at the parish and attending and supporting many Knight Events. [12/15/2019]

Council Recognition, December, 2019 - Years of Service

Brother George Peters was recognized for 10 years of service to the Knights. [12/15/2019]

New Member and Second and Third Degree Recipients

On December 8, 2019, our council welcomed new members Jonathan Otten, Jim Demmer, Leo Tykoski and Austin Lynn. Additionally, they and Brothers Mike Robinson, Tim Wood and Steve Otting received their Second and Third degrees at Immacualte Conception Council #4513 in Garden City, MI. Welcome, Jonathan, Jim and Leo and Congratulations all! [12/08/2019]

Council Recognition, November, 2019 - Family of the Month

Randy and Michele Martin have been recognized as Family of the Month. Randy is a member of the Knights and Michele is a member of the SJN Women's Organization. Both have been active with Alpha, as table host and helper, Randy has also been a session leader, while Michele has helped in the kitchen for Alpha. Randy is a member of the Alpha table host and helper recruitment team. Both are members of a Connect Group have served on the Peace and Justice Committee. They helped promote Catholic Social teaching by promoting a College Grant Essay Contest. Both are members of the Transportation Ministry, giving rides to parishioners to Mass, and the Called and Gifted Ministry. Michele is a member of the Prayer Ministry and Randy is a member of the Christian Service Committee, Funeral Ministry, the Men's Prayer Breakfast and has helped coach SJN CYO baseball. [11/12/2019]

Council Recognition, November, 2019 - Knight of the Month

We have two Knights of the Month for November:

Bob Rugenski holds the officer position of Trustee and is the Faith in Action Director for the Knights for Family. Bob was the chairman First Annual Knight Picnic and the Chairman of our Halloween Dance for Special Olympians. Bob is a Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a member of the Men's Prayer Breakfast Group, a table host for Alpha, and a Religious Education teacher.

Larry Redman as our Membership Director coordinated a membership drive that resulted in 24 men joining the Knights. Larry is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, is on the committee for the Thursday night men's program and a member of the Men's Prayer Breakfast Group. Larry was also the co-chairman of the Tootsie Roll Drive for the Intellectually Disabled and is a member of the Evangelization Committee. [11/12/2019]

Council Recognition, November, 2019 - Knight of the Month, October 2019

The Knights recognized Marshall Grazioli as our Knight of the Month for October. Marshall holds the officer position of Lecturer and is the Knights Faith in Action Director - Life. Marshall has been the chairman of the K of C Soccer Challenge for several years. This year two of the council winners were also winners at the Archdiocesan Challenge. Marshall is the Facilitator of the Men's program this Fall, titled "Who am I to Judge" and is the Respect Life Ministry Lead and part of the Christian Service Committee. As the Respect Life Ministry Lead and our Faith in Action Director, he is active in many Right to Life events, including Memorial Crosses, Baby Bottle Boomerang, fundraiser dinners, and Pregnancy center support. Marshall is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. [11/12/2019]

Council Recognition, November, 2019 - Years of Service

Jim Pryce was recognized for his 35 years of service to the Knights and Cam Jankowiak for 5 years of service to the Knights. [11/12/2019]

New Member Welcome

On November 6, 2019, our council welcomed 2 new members to St. John Neumann Council #16169! They are Jeff Niszczak and David DiFranco. Congratulations and welcome all! [11/06/2019]

New Member Welcome

On October 30, 2019, our council welcomed 13 new members to St. John Neumann Council #16169! They are Adam Randall, John Kim, Michael Robinson, Wayne Worosz, Michael Polovich, Jeff Patsy, Deacon Pat Conlen, Richard Florence, Joseph Wedensky, Dennis Keshishian, Timothy Wood, Joseph Nagi and Steven Otting. This is one of the largest groups we have had going through the Admission Degree. Congratulations and welcome all! [10/30/2019]

New Member and Second and Third Degree Recipients

On October 20, 2019, our council welcomed new member Dave Andreolli. Additionally, Dave and Brothers Dan Skotak, Jim Kullman and Bob Basanese received their Second and Third degrees at George F. Monaghan Council #2690 in Livonia, MI. Welcome, Dave, and Congratulations all! [10/20/2019]

Fall 2019 Tootsie Roll MI Drive

On the weekend of October 11, 12 and 13, members of our Council and their families, as well as other Councils across Michigan, were taking contributions for Tootsie Rolls. All proceeds from our Council will go to help those developmentally challenged in Canton. Our friends at the Busch store located at Canton Center Rd. and Cherry Hill Rd., as well as the Ace Hardware located at Ann Arbor Rd. and Sheldon Rd., allowed us to take donations. Collections were also taken at St. John Neumann after all masses. [10/13/2019]

Council Recognition, October, 2019

October 8, 2019, was a HUGE night for council recognition...

Brother Ernie Bucks and his wife Cindie were recognized as the Family of the Month for October.

Our Council was recognized with the Double Star Award for the 2018-2019 Fraternal Year.

Brother David Kennedy and his wife Michele were recognized as the Family of the Month for September.

Brother Ernie Bucks was recognized as Knight of the Month from September.

Finally, Rev. Paul Ballien was recognized for 20 years as a Knight of Columbus, Joe Pryce was recognized for 35 years and Ernie Bucks for 40 years!

Congratulations to all!. [10/08/2019]

Council Picnic, September 29, 2019

On Sunday, September 29, 2019, Council Knights and their families gathered for the Council's First Annual Picnic at Plymouth Township Park. Mother Nature had a big hand in keeping the tempurature a little cool and the ground a little wet, but those that came had a great time none-the-less! [09/29/2019]

Corporate Communion and Officer Installation, September 29, 2019

On Sunday, September 29, 2019, District Deputy Brian Zahn installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions after Corporate Communion mass. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly #1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event. Rev. Paul Ballien was on hand for blessings.

Click here to see more pictures of this event in Google Photos. [09/29/2019]

Council Recognition, August, 2019

On August 13, 2019, the Joe and Shannon Pryce were recognized as the Family of the Month. We also had two Knights of the Month: Alan Nutten and Jim Pryce. Finally, four brothers in the council were recognized with the Shining Armor award: Larry Redman, Joe Pryce, GK Dan Timmerman and John Crabill Congratulations to all!. [08/13/2019]

Council Recognition, July, 2019

On July 16, 2019, the Zahn family, including Brian, Kelly, Carl and Kathleen, were recognized as the Family of the Month. Brian is our new District Deputy, and the entire family is active in various aspects of St. John Neumann. Congratulations. [07/16/2019]

Welcome Brother Nate Svoboda

On July 15, 2019, Brother Nate Svoboda was welcomed into the Knights of Columbus as a new member. Congratulations and welcome! [07/15/2019]

June 2019 Corporate Communion and Family of the Year

On Sunday, June 30, members of St. John Neumann Council #16169 joined together at 10:30 mass to celebrate Corporae Communion with their families and parishoners. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly #1536, along with their Color Corps, were also in attendance. The Ed Hurst Jr. family was also recognized as the Council’s Family of the Year. [06/30/2019]

Welcome Brothers Andrew Shattuck and Jacob Steward

On June 27, 2019, Brothers Andrew Shattuck and Jacob Steward were welcomed into our council as new members. Congratulations and welcome! [06/27/2019]

Council Recognition, June, 2019 - Family of the Month

The Family of the Month was awarded to Larry and Cathy Redman. Larry and Cathy are St. John Neumann Food pantry volunteers, past Alpha Table Leaders and are current Connect Group members.

Larry is the current Outside Guard Officer and Membership Director. We have currently qualified for Star Council and are 1 member away from Double Star Award. He is the Co Chair of our highly successful bi yearly MI/Tootsie Roll Drives for the Developmentally Disabled, a Lector, TMIY Core Team member, Men's Prayer Breakfast member, and a member of the SJN Evangelization Commission.

Cathy is a board member of SJN Women's Organization, volunteers at Vacation Bible School, member of the Funeral luncheon/food donation team, Alpha Leadership team/Promotions. [06/11/2019]

Council Recognition, June, 2019 - Knight of the Year

Larry Redman was awarded Knight of the Year for our 2018-2019 Fraternal Year. Larry truly exemplifies what a Knight is and what we do. Larry volunteers for many programs within the Knights and within our St. John Neumann family, too many to list. He is always willing to help, many times without being asked. He does all these things with love, passion and a drive to help and support others. Larry prefers to do all these things quietly and without fanfare or awards, but just because it's the right thing to do. We are so proud to recognize Larry as our Knight of the Year. [06/11/2019]

Council Recognition, June, 2019 - Rev. Paul Ballien

The Knights recognized Father Paul at our June meeting with a Certificate of Appreciation for being our Chaplain. Father Paul attends our monthly membership and officer meetings. He is very supportive of all the things the Knights do. He is not only our Spiritual leader, but is constantly encouraging and supporting us. Father Paul volunteers his time to many State Knight functions as the Detroit Diocesan Chaplain. We are truly thankful and blessed to have Father Paul as our Council Chaplain. [06/11/2019]

Welcome Brothers R. Dinuk Perera, Gerardo De La Torre and Bill Kumm

On June 1, 2019, Brothers R. Dinuk Perera, Gerardo De La Torre and Bill Kumm were welcomed into our council as new members. They also completed their Second and Third Degree at a ceremony at Christ the King Council #13360 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Congratulations and welcome! [06/01/2019]

2019 State Convention

On Thursday, May 23 through Saturday, May 25, 2018, members of St John Neumann Council 16169 joined with the other Knights from Michigan District 14 as well as other Michigan Councils for events at the State Convention. Events included Holy Mass on all three days, a living rosary, Eucharistic Adoration as well as diocesan caucuses. Our Pastor, Reverend Paul Ballien, as well as our week-end help, Reverend Jeff Day, were in attendance along with many other clergy. [05/25/2019]

Welcome Brother Dan Skotak

On May 20, 2019, Brother Dan Skotak was welcomed into our council as a new member. Congratulations and welcome! [05/20/2019]

Council Recognition, May, 2019

On May 14, 2019, the Kaledas family, including Michael, Amber, Valerie and Ron, were recognized as the Family of the Month. Brothers Joe Pryce and Larry Redman were recognized as Knights of the Month. Congratulations to all!. [05/14/2019]

Spring 2019 Tootsie Roll MI Drive

On the weekend of April 13 and 14, members of our Council, as well as other Councils across Michigan, were taking contributions for Tootsie Rolls. All proceeds from our Council will go to help those developmentally challenged in Canton. Our friends at the Kroger stores located at Canton Center Rd. and Ford Rd., as well as Canton Center Rd. and Michigan Ave., allowed us to take donations a few week-ends prior. [04/14/2019]

Council Recognition, April, 2019

On April 9, 2019, Brother Chuck Lang was recognized as Knight of the Month, and Rob and Erin Dempsey were recognized as Family of the Month. Congratulations to all!. [04/09/2019]

Welcome Brother Robert "Bob" Basanese

On April 1, 2019, Brother Bob Basanese was welcomed into our council as a new member. Congratulations and welcome! [04/01/2019]

Second and Third Degree Recipients

On March 24, 2019, Rob Dempsey and John Kullman, received their Second and Third degrees at Fr. Patrick O'Kelley Council #3860 in Dearborn, MI. Congratulations! [03/24/2019]

St. Patrick's Day Party/Reverse Raffle, March 16, 2019

On March 16, 2019, the SJN Knights of Columbus hosted a St. Patrick's Day Party/Reverse Raffle. Games of chance, along with corned beef and cabbage and lots of grren beer were available to the 300 people that attended. Much fun was had by all.

Proceeds from the event will be used to fund charitable work done by our Knights of Columbus council. [03/16/2019]

Council Recognition, March, 2019

On March 12, 2019, Brother Dan Bihn was recognized as Knight of the Month, and Ed Hurst, Jr., and Mary Alice and kids were recognized as Family of the Month. Additionally, our Council was recognized by Supreme with the Star Council Award for 2017-2018. Congratulations to all!. [03/12/2019]

Newest Degree Members

St. John Neumann Council #16169 has 4 new members, as well well as two members that completed additional degrees.

On Sunday, February 17, the following individuals completed the noted degrees at Fr. Saylor Council #3773 in Allen Park, MI:

  • Joseph Henn (new), completed 1/2/3rd degrees
  • Lenard Carravallah (new), completed 1/2/3rd degrees
  • Timothy Bodnar (existing), completed 2/3rd degrees
  • Justin Schaefer (existing), completed 2/3rd degrees

On Tuesday, February 19, the following individuals became new Brothers at Notre Dame Council #3021 in Wayne, MI:

  • Robert Dempsey (new), completed 1st degree
  • Robert Johnson (new), completed 1st degree

Congratulations, Brothers! [02/19/2019]

Council Recognition, February, 2019

On February 12, 2019, Brother Ed Hurst, Jr., was recognized as Knight of the Month, and Scott and Angela Kalkoffen and kids were recognized as Family of the Month. Congratulations to all!. [02/12/2019]

Free Throw Contest

On January 13, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held its 2nd Annual Basketball Free Throw Challenge in the gym. The challenge consists of boy and girls ages 9 to 14 competing within their age and gender to see who can make the most of 15 free throws. The twenty-one (21) competitors were: Xochitl Munguia, Isablela Kandah, Elizabeth Boda, Julia Sepulveda, Noella Hurst, Gabe Burger, Braydon Lynn, Lucas Sepulveda, Nate Bolt, Jackson Weber, John Burns, Joey Cartier, Andre Schumacher, Nolan Burger, Andres Munguia, Logan Tamas, Grant Lynn, Andrew Greening, George Kandah, Liam Boda and Alex Bobak.

The winners for the ladies were: Xochitl Munguia (Age 9), Isabela Kandah (Age 11), Elizabeth Boda (Age 11) and Julia Supulveda (Age 13).

The winners for the gentlemen were: Gabe Burger (Age 9), John Burns (Age 10), Andre Schumacher (Age 11), and Andrew Greening (Age 13).

The winners advance to the District Level competition to be held at St. Thomas a Beckett in Canton in February. Thank you to all who participated, and good luck to the winners! For more information about the St John Neumann K of C contact current Grand Knight Dan Timmerman at [01/13/2019]

Christmas Card from Nick Brown

Nick Brown, a member of our parish and a Knights of Columbus Brother, as well as a seminarian, sent us a Christmas Card thanking us for our support. [12/26/2018]

Christmas Decorating

On December 23, 2018, members of the Knights of Columbus, and others, helped decorate the church for Christmas. [12/23/2018]

Thank-you from Hans and Joyce Hansen, Holy Cross Services

District Deputy Hans Hansen and his wife, Joyce, sent us a Christmas Card thanking us for our donation to Holy Cross Services. We also received a thank-you note from Holy Cross Services. [12/17/2018]

Council Recognition, November, 2018

On November 13, 2018, Brother Bob Rugenski was recognized as Knight of the Month, and John and Roxanne Crabill wee recognized as Family of the Month. Congratulations to all!. [11/13/2018]

Degree Ceremony at St. Colette

At the Major Degree ceremonies at St. Colette on November 11, 2018, our council welcomed 2 new members and had 2 additional members achieve full Knighthood.

Pictured: (L to R) Larry Redman, Membership Director; Mark Richter; Jeff Wagoner; Tom Borke; George Kruczek. Mark and Tom are new members. [11/11/2018]

Special Olympics Halloween Party

On Friday, October 26, members of our council helped to host a Halloween Dance for Canton Special Olympics team members. Members of the St. John Neumann's Women's Organization, as well some of the local Alhambra members, also pitched in to help. [10/26/2018]

Major Degrees September 20, 2018

Congratulations to Knights of Columbus St. John Neumann #16169 newest 2nd and 3rd degree members: Marshall Grazioli, Chuck Kovalik, Ron Letourneau, Marty Sviland, Michael Pilotto, Jorge Lopez, and Ernest Gubry. The ceremony was held at our very own SJN Parish on September 20, 2018! [09/20/2018]

Knights of the Month

On September 18, 2018, Larry Redman and Ken Svoboda were recognized as Knights of the Month. Larry and Ken were co-chairs of the Car Wash fundraiser that raised $1,215. Larry is also the Membership Director, Outside Guard, Eucharistic Minister, member of the Core Leadership Team for TMIY and a table leader for TMIY. Ken is also our Treasurer and a table leader for TMIY. Congratulations Larry and Ken!. [09/18/2018]

2018 Parish Picnic

The Knights of Columbus were once again active at the SJN Parish Picnic on September 16, 2018. From cutting up watermelon to grilling hot dogs and serving beer and soda, a great time was had by many. We also had visits from the Canton Fire Department and Police Department, as well as Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd. A bounce house and slide, a petting zoo and pony rides were also available.

Additionally, the 2018 Soccer Challenge was held on the same day at 3:00pm. [09/16/2018]

State Officer Installation

On September 8, 2018, members of the Knights of Columbus State office were installed at an installation ceremony at St. Girard in Lansing, Michigan. Those installed included our very own Reverend Paul Ballien, installed as the Chaplain for the Archdiocese of Detroit Knights of Columbus. [09/08/2018]

Car Wash Fundraiser

On Sunday, August 26, members of our council and their familes washed cars to during Sunday mass to help raise money to support the Building the Domestic Church book kiosk at St. John Neumann. [08/26/2018]

District Meeting

On August 23, 2018, members of our Council participated in the District Meeting at St. Thomas A'Becket and hosted by Msgr. Clement Kern Council #8284. Hans Hansen, District Deputy for District 14, lead the event. Regional Knights of Columbus officers also particpated, as did members of Distrct 26. [08/23/2018]

One Day Ride Across Michigan 150 Mile Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Fundraiser

On Saturday, August 11, 2018, Gene Suchyta, Faithful Navigator of the Assembly, rode 150 miles on bicycle from Montague to Bay City, Michigan, fundraising for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Through efforts of members of the Assembly as well as Gene's family and friends, the Foundation received over $1000 in donations for Gene's ride. Much thanks to all that donated, along with your support and prayers! [08/11/2018]

Corporate Communion and Officer Installation, July 29, 2018

On July 29, 2018, District Deputy Hans Hansen installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions after Corporate Communion mass. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly #1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event. Rev. Paul Ballien was on hand for blessings, and short reception followed.

Click here to see more pictures of this event in Google Photos. [07/29/2018]

Council Recognition, July, 2018

On July 10, 2018, a number of Brothers in the Council were recognized: Larry Redman as Knight of the Year, Joe Camille as Knight of the Month, Mike Kelch became an Honorary Knight, and Brian for his service as Grand Knight and becoming our most recent Grand Knight. [07/10/2018]

Fr. Paul Ballien Installation

On July 8, 2018, members of our Council that are also members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536's Color Corps were present at St. John Neumann in Canton for Fr. Paul Ballien's installation mass. Also attending the mass we Immeidate Past State Deputy Ken Unterbrink. Bishop Gerard Battersby presided. [07/08/2018]

2018 State Convention

On Thursday, May 24 through Saturday, May 26, 2018, members of St John Neumann Council 16169 joined with the other Michigan Councils for events at the State Convention. New state officers were elected by the delegates. Additional events included mass on all three days, a living rosary as well as diocesan caucuses. [05/26/2018]

St. John Neumann Remembrance Wall

Recently, the names of the faithful departed were once again posted in the narthex on the Remembrance Well. Our Council donated the funds to make this a reality for our church once again. [05/13/2018]

Keep Christ In Christmas Participants, Part 3!

Timothy Carter and Brendon Burns are the last of the winners of the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest to be recognized! Each is pictured with chairperson Brother Ed Hurst, Jr.Great going, guys! [05/13/2018]

Officer Elections

Officer elections were held at the May general meeting. Thanks to those that have served this past year, and congratulations to those that were elected to office with a term starting July 1, 2018:

Grand KnightDan Timmerman
Deputy Grand KnightDave Kennedy
ChancellorEd Hurst, Jr.
RecorderBrian Zahn
TreasurerKen Svoboda
AdvocateAlan Nutten
WardenJoe Pryce
Inside GuardDennis Oszust
Outside GuardLarry Redman
Trustee 3rd YearBill Etienne


Cinco de Mayo Celebration

On April 30, 2018, the St Vincent dePaul group held a Cinco de Mayo celebraiton at St John Neumann. The Knights were on hand to help with hot dogs and popcorn. Brothers Carl Zahn, Charlie Kotcher and Jack Massarello (not pictured) were the chefs lending a helping hand. [04/30/2018]

Keep Christ In Christmas Participants, Part 2!

On April 10, 2018, two of the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster particpants, Jessica and Noella Hurst, were honored and awarded for their particpation. Great job, girls!

Pictured with Jessica and Noella, from left to right, are the judges: Brothers Ed Hurst, Jr., Keith Lauren, Joe Pryce, Larry Redman, Joe Camille and GK Brian Zahn. [04/10/2018]

Tootsie Roll MI Drive

On the weekend of March 23, 24 and 25, members of our Council, as well as other Councils across Michigan, were taking contributions for Tootsie Rolls. All proceeds from our Council will go to help Special Olympics in Canton. Our friends at the Kroger located at Canton Center Rd. and Ford Rd. allowed us to take collections on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday and Sunday contributions were taken at all masses. [03/24/2018]

Ultrasound Machine Check Presentation

On March 18, 2018, a check was presented to Pregnancy Services of Greater Lansing as part of the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Machine program. In attendance at the ceremony, in addition to our own Jim Pryce, PGK, was State Deputy Ken Unterbrink and other representatives of the Knights of Columbus. [03/18/2018]

Quick Start Award

On February 25, 2018, Membership Director and Outside Guard Larry Redman excepted the Quick Start Award on behalf of the Council 16169. The award was presented at the State Deputy's Membership Tribute Banquet. [02/25/2018]

District Free Throw Contest

Winners of St. John Neumann's Free Throw Contest had the opportunity to advance and compete in the District Free Throw Contest at St. Thomas A'Becket on Sunday, February 18. Of those that competed, four contestants from St. John Neumann won their bracket. All winners are eligible to move on to the State Free Throw Competition. Congratulations to all that participated! [02/18/2018]

Degree Ceremony at St. Edith

At the Major Degree ceremonies at St. Edith on February 17, 2018, our council welcomed 3 new members and had 4 additional members achieve full Knighthood.

Pictured: (L to R) Front Row: Greg Rapelje, Field Agent; Chuck Lang

Second Row: Dan Timmerman, Deputy Grand Knight; Justin Copley, New member; Dan Bihn; Ed Millenbach, New member; Leo Petretta, New Member; Chuck Wilson; Andrew Anyanwu; Larry Redman, Membership Director; Brian Zahn, Grand Knight.


Welcome New Members

We are welcoming 3 new members and several transfers to our Council from the past few weeks. Be on the lookout for these new faces:

  • Bill Brennan – Transfer from 8759
  • Raymond Hennessey – Transfer from 0791
  • Chuck Kovalik – New Member
  • Bob Libeau – New Member
  • Alan Nutten – Transfer from 15204
  • Daniel Rousseau – Transfer from 3292
  • Raymond Trupiano – Transfer from 11811
  • Carl Zahn – New Member

Please make them feel at home! [02/02/2018]

Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

Late breaking News! In District juding, Brendan Burns' poster will go to regional for the age 11-14 division. Jessica Hurst's poster goes to regional for age 8-10 division. These are representing council 16169. Good luck to Brendan and Jessica!

This year, we had six entries in the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest. The winner and the runner-up in each category will move on to the district competition. This year's entries are shown below. Congratulations to everyone that participated! [01/16/2018]

Free Throw Contest

On Sunday, January 7, St John Neumann's Knights of Columbus Council 16169 held a free throw contest. Twenty-six boys and girls, ages 9 thorugh 14, participated. Everyone had a great time! [01/07/2018]

Church Christmas Tree Setup

On Wednesday, December 20, members of our Council helped set up Christmas trees in chucrch in preparation for Christmas services. [12/22/2017]

Fr. Solanus Casey Beatification

On Saturday, November 18, members of our Council and their families particpated in the Beatification Mass for Fr. Solanus Casey at Ford Field. [11/18/2017]

Welcome Brother Bob Liebau

On Thursday, November 16, 2017, Brother Bob Liebau was welcomed into our council as a new Knight in the First Degree. Pictured with Andrew on the left is our Grand Knight, Brian Zahn. Also pictured are Brothers David Blackford and Mike Goodhart, Grand Knight  of Msgr. Kern Council 8284. Congratulations and welcome, Bob! [11/16/2017]

Holy Cross Children's Services

At the general membership meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 34 sweatshirts and $235 was collected for Holy Cross Children's Services, topping last year's donations of 26 sweathsirts and $200. Much thanks for your generosity! [11/14/2017]

Prosper Award Winners

At the general membership meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 3 brothers received Michigan Propser pins and gift cards from District Deputy Hans Hansen. These brothers successfully recruited a brother to our fraternal council this year. The winners are:

  • Dave Kennedy
  • Chris Leach
  • Pat Wilcox

Congratulations [11/14/2017]

Special Election Results

The results of the special election held during the general membership meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 are as follows:

  • Three Year Trustee: Bob Rugenski
  • Two Year Trustee: John Becker

Additionally, Marshall Grazioli has been appointed lecturer.

Until a replacement can be found, GK Brian will assume the duties of the Membership Director.

Congratulations to our new officers! [11/14/2017]

Special Olympics Halloween Party

On Friday, October 13, members of our council hosted a Halloween Dance for Canton Special Olympics team members. [10/13/2017]

Knight of the Year Ernie Banks

On Tuesday, October 10, 2017, Brother Ernie Banks was awarded the Knight of the Year Award by our Worthy Grand Knight Brian Zahn. Ernie has been very active in council, and this past year was the coordinator for the parish picnic, amonst other activies. Congratulations, Ernie! [10/10/2017]

Past Grand Knight Pin for PGK Jim Pryce

On Tuesday, October 10, 2017, Brother and Worthy PGK Jim Pryce received his Past Grand Knight pin from our Worthy Grand Knight Brian Zahn. [10/10/2017]

Star Council Award

On October 10, 2017, our Worthy District Deputy Hans Hansen presented our Worthy Grand Knight Brian Zahn with the Knights of Columbus Star Council Award for the 2016-2017 Fraternal Year. The Star Council Award is given to those councils that earn the Father McGivney Award, the Founders’ Award and the Columbian Award. Councils that participate in these programs and activities are recognized as fulfilling Father McGivney’s vision. [10/10/2017]

Car Wash Fundraiser

On Sunday, September 24, members of our council washed cars to during Sunday mass to help raise money for our charitible work. [09/24/2017]

New Member Welcomed

On Tuesday, September 19, Brothers Andrew Anyanwu was welcomed into our council as a new Knight in the First Degree. Pictured with Andrew on the left is our District Deputy, Hans Hansen and on the right Grand Knight Brian Zahn. Congratulations and welcome, Andrew! [09/19/2017]

4th Degree Exemplification

On Saturday, September 16, Brothers Joe Bradley and John Becker were exemplified to 4th Degree and became Sir Knights. Three other members of our council also attended the ceremony. Congratulations to Joe and John! [09/16/2017]

Membership Proposers Incentive Winner Greg Rapelje

On Tuesday, September 12, our District Deputy Hans Hansen presented Greg Rapelje with the Membership Proposers Incentive awards for a member Greg recruited in August. The awards included a $5 gift card and a special Knights of Columbus State of Michigan Proposer pin. [09/12/2017]

Soccer Challenge

On Saturday, September 9, Marshall Grazioli and Ed Hurst helped lead the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge. Age group winners Noella Hurst and Jessica Hust will advance to the next round. Congratulations to the winners all those that participated. [09/09/2017]

Bike MS Fundraiser

On Saturday, September 9, Mike Kelch and Gene Suchyta participated in the BikeMS Fall Breakaway Multiple Sclerosis fundraiser at Island Lake Recreation Area. Supported by other members of the our council as well as other family and friends, Mike and Gene raised $720 for MS research. [09/09/2017]

Car Wash Fundraiser

On Sunday, July 23, members of our council washed cars to during Sunday mass to help raise money for our charitible work. [07/23/2017]

Brother Knight of the Year

At the July general membership meeting, Brother Ernie Bucks received the Knight of the Year award for Council 16169. Ernie's participation with the Peanut Butter, Tuna Fish and Cereal Drive, the parish picnic and hospitality Sunday were cited as reasons for the award. Congratulations, Brother Ernie! [07/11/2017]

Thank-You Note from St Therese Knights of Columbus Council 11978, Canton, TX

The Grand Knight from St Therese Knights of Columbus Council 11978 sent us a note thanking us for our prayers and financial contribution. On April 29, 2017, seven tornados impacted an area of Texas that included the City of Canton. Thanks to Brother Ernest Gubry for contacting the Grand Knight of their council, and please continue to keep them in their prayers as they recover. [07/11/2017]

Prayer Cards from Brother Joe Camille

Brother Joe Camille has acquired some prayer cards that provide background for the mass and why it is important. These are available to all brother knights as well as anyone in the parish. They will be available at the Knights of Columbus table during hospitality week-end as well as at our general meeting. Thanks to Brother Joe for acquiring these! [07/11/2017]

Blue Mass

On Thursday, June 8, members of our council paticipated in the Blue Mass for first responders. Knights were in various roles during the celebration, including readers, eucharisitc ministers and music. In addition, 3 members of the Color Corps participated, two from our council. [06/08/2017]

Plymouth Memorial Day Parade

On Monday, May 29, 4th degree members of our council paticipated with other 4th degree knights from Assembly 1536 in the Plymouth Memorial Day Parade. Sir Knights Jim Pryce (PGK), Dan Timmerman and John Russell marched with the Color Corps, while Brian Zahn (GK) and Gene Suchyta also marched as invited 4th degree knights. In addition, other members of our community particpated as veterans. [05/29/2017]

Keep Christ In Christmas Participants

On March 15, 2018, two of the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster particpants, Jena and Jordan Simpson, were honored and awarded for their particpation. Great job, girls! [03/15/2017]

Bowling FUNdraiser

On Saturday, March 11, knights and their families attended the Bowling FUNdraiser. Although many suggested they could not bowl too well, a great time was had by all! [03/11/2017]

Lenten Simple Supper

On Friday, March 10, the knights hosted their first Lenten simple supper. For those that attended, the food, though simple, was plentiful. Please plan to attend the next one. [03/10/2017]

6 Star Council Award

On December 13, 2016, our Worthy District Deputy Hans Hansen presented Former Grand Knight and Current Membership Director Jim Pryce with our 6-Star Council Award (please see attached photo).  This is a huge achievement and we believe we were the only Council to achieve 6-Stars. [09/02/2016]

Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities Donation

In December, 2016, we  supported Special Olympics with a donation of $1,088.80, raised from the Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities. [09/01/2016]

Knights ROC!

In late August, 2016, our council presented the local Plymouth Canton Special Olympics with a check for $2340. This was the proceeds from the special fundraiser at the Plymouth ROC that featured the singing and playing talents of brother knights Keith Laurin and Paul Smudski. [08/31/2016]

Council Leadership
Grand Knight: Steve Sarlitto
Deputy GK: Bill Springer
Financial Secretary: John Lutz
Membership: Larry Redman
Program Director: David Trost

Insurance Field Agent: Thomas "TJ" McCully Jr.

Webmaster: Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Council Leadership
Facebook: Click here
Knights of Columbus Council #16169
c/o St. John Neumann Catholic Church
44800 Warren Ave
Canton, MI 48187-1857

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of council #16169. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.

Web page visits: 2749

Copyright © Knights of Columbus Council 16169 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved