St. John Neumann Council #16169

Prayer List

Special Intentions

Christians in the Middle East 05/01/2006
Holy Father, Archbishops, Bishops and Clergy 05/01/2006


Repose of the soul of Audrey Brennan, wife of brother John W. Brennan 09/25/2024
Repose of the soul of Michael Hammerberg, son of a friend of brother Mark Oleszkowicz 09/18/2024
Repose of the soul of Mike Randall, uncle of brother Clint Randall 09/10/2024
Marson Ma, father of our brother Marlowe Ma 09/05/2024
Steven Erno, brother-in-law of brother Marshall Grazioli (click here for obituary) 09/03/2024
Repose of the souls of Suriel Galvan-Argüello, Celerino Galvan-Martinez and Antonio Martinez-Saldivar 08/14/2024
Repose of the soul of Joann Konopinski, friend of brother Ron Kretschmer 08/13/2024
Repose of the soul of former State Raffle Director brother Gary DeCarlo 08/10/2024
Repose of the soul of Lady Joyce Hansen, wife of SK Hans Hansen, FDD 07/27/2024
Repose of the soul of Earle Raymond Neubauer III, friend of GK Steve Sarlitto 07/02/2024
Repose of the soul of Richard "Dick" Rzepecki, friend of GK Steve Sarlitto 07/02/2024

Ailing and Distressed

Brother Ron LeTourneau 09/28/2024
Cydney Domsic and baby to be born daughter Esther Grace, family of brother Jeff Domsic 09/17/2024
Scott Hyde, brother of brother Robert Hyde 09/15/2024
Megan Rowley, daughter of State Director Kevin Rowley 09/04/2024
Samantha Kretschmer, daughter of brother Ron Kretschmer 09/04/2024
Marlene, Sarah, Joshua, Daniel and Anastasia Erno, family of brother Marshall Grazioli 09/03/2024
Audrey Brennan. wife of brother John Brennan 08/27/2024
Jim Helm, father-in-law of GK Steve Sarlitto 08/26/2024
Ann Konopinski, friend of brother Ron Kretschmer 08/19/2024
Laura Hurn 08/14/2024

Mark and Carol Sienkowski 08/08/2024
Augie Ferrera, friend of brother Dennis Oszust 08/05/2024
Mary Ellen Redman, mother of council membership director SK Larry Redman 08/04/2024
Mary Ellen Redman, parent of brother Larry P Redman 08/04/2024
Yvette Corey, the wife of Archdiocesan Program Director Bill Corey 07/31/2024
Jeanne Michelini, parishioner and friend of brother Ron Kretschmer 07/22/2024
SK Hans Hansen, FDD 07/16/2024
Michelle Martin, wife of brother Randy Martin 07/08/2024
State Treasurer Charles E. McCuen, III 07/08/2024
Brother Dennis Lichocki, father-in-law of brother Mike Tallman 07/05/2024

Prayer Intentions Which Conclude in Less than 30 Days

Click on a button to extend a prayer intention for 13 weeks

 Brother Dennis Lichocki, father-in-law of brother Mike Tallman, 10/04/2024
 State Treasurer Charles E. McCuen, III, 10/07/2024
 Michelle Martin, wife of brother Randy Martin, 10/07/2024
 SK Hans Hansen, FDD, 10/27/2024
 Jeanne Michelini, parishioner and friend of brother Ron Kretschmer, 10/21/2024

Council Leadership
Grand Knight: Steve Sarlitto
Deputy GK: Bill Springer
Financial Secretary: John Lutz
Membership: Larry Redman
Program Director: David Trost

Insurance Field Agent: Thomas "TJ" McCully Jr.

Webmaster: Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Council Leadership
Facebook: Click here
Knights of Columbus Council #16169
c/o St. John Neumann Catholic Church
44800 Warren Ave
Canton, MI 48187-1857

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Web page visits: 869

Copyright © Knights of Columbus Council 16169 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved