St. John Neumann Council #16169

Council Information

January Birthdays

Andrew A Anyanwu
John W Brennan
Luke Buehler
Mr Michael S Cabaj
Bryan D. Chemotti

Christopher Chirpka
Robert J Dempsey Jr.
Robert A Johnson
Stephen L Kamykowski
Alexander R Lams

Phillip Lang
Jeffrey A Niszczak
Alan K Nutten
Timothy P Quinn
Carl W Zahn


General Membership: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm.

Officers: 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm, open to all members.

All meetings are held at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, 44800 Warren Ave, Canton, MI (click here for map). In the building, the meeting location is usually posted on the monitor.

Please wear your KofC shirt and name badge (if you have them).

Name Badges

Council name badges are $15.00 each. If you would like one, contact brother Joe Bradley at or 734-673-0004.

Council Polo Shirts and Other Gear

Brother Mike Cartier is now taking orders for KofC gear ordered through a shop in Allen Park. Orders are placed periodically. All items must be purchased in advance.

Items available include:

  • Golf/polo shirt - $20. (The polo shirts are 100% polyester and run a little big.)
  • Short sleeve button down collar shirt - $25 (choice of with/without pocket)
  • Long sleeve button down collar shirt - $25 (choice of with/without pocket)
  • Fleece lined jacket - $40

Brother Mike also mentioned other gear is available as well. Brother Mike can be contacted via email at or via phone at 734.459.5635.

Additionally, long sleeve shirts, jackets, hats, etc., can be ordered from Our council color is navy blue. Additional gear is also available from other official Knights of Columbus suppliers; see the Resources web page at this web site.

We also have a SJN KofC logo with Lands' End Business Outfitters ( The logo number is 1494949. Gene Suchyta's Customer Number is 4633342 (you may need that as well).

Fourth Degree - The Patriotic Degree

The council is the basic building block of the Knights of Columbus. When originally conceived, the Knights had only 3 degrees. The Fourth Degree, or "Patriotic" Degree, was established in 1900. Referred to as "Sir Knights," charitible work done by Fourth Degree members tends to be centered around veterans, first responders and other patriotic activities. Further, members of the Fourth Degree can also choose to be members of the Color Corps, representing the Knights of Columbus at various religious and community functions.

While Fourth Degree members meet separately as part of an Assembly (most of our members are with Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 in Plymouth, MI), almost all Fourth Degree members are still active in their councils. If you are interested in joining the Fourth Degree, talk to any of the council members that are Sir Knights.

Our council is blessed with the following Fourth Degree Sir Knights:

Dave Andreolli
Rev. Paul Ballien
Jeff Battistella
John Becker
Joe Bradley
John Brennan
Dean R Combs
Deacon Pat Conlen
John Guth
Hans Hansen, FDD, PGK
Ed Hurst, Jr., GK
Stephen L Kamykowski
Robert Liebau
Travis D. Miller
Franklin Njubigbo
Dennis Oszust
Julius Pablo
Jim Pryce, PGK
Joe Pryce
Ron Rathbun
Mark Rausch
Larry Redman
Michael Robinson
Bob Rugenski
John Russell
Tom Solak
Walter Stang
Gene Suchyta, PFN
Dan Timmerman, PGK
Brian Zahn, DD, PGK

Officer Positions and Responsibilities

As with any large organization, the Knights of Columbus has a set of bylaws that governs how the organization is managed. This includes not only the Supreme Council but also state and local councils. The following information on council officer duties and responsibilities is from the Charter Constitution and Laws of the Knights of Columbus (which can be found online in its entirety at

Grand Knight
The Grand Knight shall: preside over meetings; appoint committees; act as Chaplain in absence of the regular Chaplain; countersign orders drawn and signed by the Financial Secretary; countersign checks drawn and signed by the Treasurer; read vouchers, etc.; read notices (or cause to be read) notices relative to the Fourth Degree; perform such other duties as the Order may impose.

Deputy Grand Knight
The Deputy Grand Knight shall preside in the absence or inability of the Grand Knight and execute all the duties of said Grand Knight. He shall perform such other duties as the Order may impose. In the absence of the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight, then the duty of presiding at a meeting of the council shall devolve on the other officers of the council in the order in which they are named in Section 126 [of the Charter Constitution and Laws of the Knights of Columbus] after the Deputy Grand Knight.

The Chancellor shall assist the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight in the performance of their duties and shall take charge of the council during the incapacity or extended absence of both. He shall be charged with the total participation of the member- ship in the activities of the council. Subject to the approval of the Grand Knight he shall institute a program to develop the availability and interest of the members in the specific activities of the council and refer his findings to the Grand Knight. He shall exercise a special interest in new members and those members who are sick or in dis- tress. He shall perform such other duties as the Grand Knight directs.

The Recorder shall keep a true record of the doings of his council upon books approved by the Board of Directors and fur- nished by the Supreme Secretary at the expense of the council: con- duct all correspondence of the council and shall perform such duties as the council or the Order may direct.

Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall: collect and receive all moneys due the council, and all funds obtained from any source; keep accounts; pay money to Treasurer; keep roll; cause members to subscribe to by-laws, etc.; notify the Supreme Secretary of the names and addresses of all council officers; keep certain records; draw orders; notify Supreme Secretary of suspensions, etc.; keep accounts; notify candidate's Grand Knight; seal; notify Comptroller; perform all other acts required by the laws of his council and the Order and the rules of the Board of Directors. [Note: This is NOT an elected officer position.]

The Treasurer shall: be the custodian of all funds of the council obtained from any source; receive moneys, etc., from the Financial Secretary; pay to the Supreme Council all moneys assessed by it or the Board of Directors against the council; pay orders drawn; keep accounts; retain orders.

The Lecturer shall endeavor to devise means to entertain his council at meetings and perform such duties as his council may direct. [Note: This is NOT an elected officer position.]

The Advocate shall be the attorney of the council in case of trial and investigation of any matter whatsoever of interest to the council.

The Warden shall be present at all meetings of his council, and at the opening of the same. He shall have charge of all the council property, except moneys and account and record books of officers, and keep the same in proper condition for the meeting of his council. He shall instruct his guards in their duties and appoint the same at pleasure, and perform such other duties as may be imposed by his council.

The Inside Guard shall attend the entrance to the council chamber, through its inner door; the Outside Guard, the entrance through the outer door; and each shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by the council.

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall consist of the Grand Knight and three members to be elected by the council. The Grand Knight shall be its chairman. The Trustees shall have supervision of all the financial business of the council and their approval shall be necessary for the payment of all moneys except Benefit Fund moneys and demands of the Supreme Council or Board of Directors or State Council, and the regular and usual stated payments of the council, and payments authorized by the council after notice and vote in accordance with Section 122. They shall audit the accounts of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer at least every six months, and in January and July report thereon to their council, State Deputy, District Deputy and Supreme Secretary , upon blanks approved by the Board of Directors and furnished by the Supreme Council. They shall see that the Financial Secretary and Treasurer give proper bonds running to the Knights of Columbus in trust for their particular council and in amounts fixed by said trustees, and they shall be the custodians of such bonds. They shall perform such other duties as their council or the District Deputy or Territorial Deputy or the officers of the Order may direct.

Council Leadership
Grand Knight: Steve Sarlitto
Deputy GK: Bill Springer
Financial Secretary: John Lutz
Membership: Larry Redman
Program Director: David Trost

Insurance Field Agent: Thomas "TJ" McCully Jr.

Webmaster: Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Council Leadership
Facebook: Click here
Knights of Columbus Council #16169
c/o St. John Neumann Catholic Church
44800 Warren Ave
Canton, MI 48187-1857

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of council #16169. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.

Web page visits: 1274

Copyright © Knights of Columbus Council 16169 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved