Our Knights of Columbus council will be holding a Membership Drive at the following locations and week-ends:
If you are not a Knight of Columbus, please talk to one of our members and consider joining the largest men's Catholic fraternal organization.
If you are a member, please consider signing up to hand out information and answer questions prospective members may have.
Please click here to signup for St. John Neumann.
Please click here to signup for Resurrection.
Each January every Knights of Columbus council and assembly provide to the Supreme Council a summary of their fraternal hours for the last calendar year. This information is used by Supreme to understand the total number of charitable hours for the entire order for communications and to help with the order tax-exempt status.
In order to gather this information, the councils and assemblies ask their members to provide the number of charitable hours, and other charitable activities such as sick visits and blood donations, to the program director and grand knight. To make this easier, the council is providing this spreadsheet to help you track this information.
You may be thinking, "I have time to look at this later." However, please open the file and take a look at the structure so that your end of year submission may be easier. It is a simple Excel Document that you can capture hours/visits/mtgs on a monthly basis. Looking at this monthly, it may result in better accuracy and less stress thinking about it at the end of the year.
In the first tab titled "Member Name", please Type your Name, Membership Numbers and the Year in the light gray areas. Then proceed to capture your hours/visits/mtgs in the open light gray cells and they will be summarized automatically. Remember to include all Planning, Prepping and Actual Execution of the event. (Note that many Rows, Columns and cells are protected to retain consistency from file to file.)
In the second tab title "Explanation", we included activities we typically conduct, and placed them in categories which seemed reasonable. If you don't find a particular program you were involved with, then simply add the hours to an existing category and capture any comments in the Comments Column. The actual categories are fixed by Supreme.
Save the File in a folder for your future use this year by "SAVE AS" and include Your Name in the File.
At the end of the year, a reminder for you will be sent to either email the file to PD16169@mikofc.org, or Print the Tab and the Program Director will collect it. If you are not comfortable using Excel, please print the file and write in your hours and the Program Director will collect it from you at the end of the year. Additionally, the Program Director will make these available again as hard copies at the November General Meeting.
Please email PD16169@mikofc.org with any questions you may have.
Thanks, and God Bless!
St. John Neumann has a long tradition of asking parish families to take home our Vocations Chalice for one week to pray for priestly vocations. Joe Camill, our Vocations Chairman, is asking brother knights, and their families, to step up to this very worthy activity and sign up to take the Vocations Chalice for a week. With almost 200 knights in our council, we have enough knights for almost 4 years of families praying for vocations!
For more information on this program, please contact Joe Camill at jcamill@wowway.com.
Please click here to sign-up.
None of our seminarians should be forced to leave the seminary because they don't have enough money to complete their studies. Our council is asking the parishioners of St. John Neumann to continue to donate cans and bottles to the Knights of Columbus, with the proceeds going to help seminarians of our Archdiocese.
For this to be successful, we need your help! Volunteers are needed to pick up cans and bottles from the church and return them to get the deposit back.
Brother Steve Otting is leading this effort. Volunteers are being asked to collect a few times on Monday through Thursday or they can volunteer to collect on Friday through Sunday. (Note that the first and the last time slots may have an additional day or two or may be shortened by a day or two depending on when the months start and end.)
Steve Otting can be contacted via email at dotting@comcast.net or called or texted at 734-788-0446.
Please click here to sign-up.
Prior to the Business (Membership) meeting on January 14th you will have the opportunity to be trained on the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) equipment at the church. Barb Coldren who is the lead person for the SJN Health Ministry will be providing the training in Baldwin Hall starting at 6:00pm and lasting about 20-30 minutes. Barb would like to educate the Knights of Columbus on the use of the AED and to do training with us. Please mark your calendars for January 14th.
The Knights of Columbus Council 16169 Free Throw Contest will be Sunday, January 26, 2025 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at St. John Neumann's gym. The contest is open to all boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (age on February 1, 2025). Registration will be at the event - no need to sign up before!
Winners will participate in the District competition Sunday, February 9, 2025. Winners of the District competition will progress to the Archdiocese competition Sunday, February 16, 2025. All competitions will be at St. John Neumann's gym.
Click here or on the flier for more information.
Click here to email David Kubinski at dkubinsk@gmail.com, or, click here to call Marshal at 734-748-4182 for more information.
If you are a Knight of Columbus and you are interested in helping with the event, please click here.
The Knights of Columbus District Free Throw Contest will be Sunday, February 9, 2025, starting at 1:30pm at St. John Neumann. This is for all winners of KofC District 114 Free Throw contests, which include St. John Neumann, St. Thomas a’Becket, Our Lady of Good Council, Resurrection and St. Kenneth. All volunteers must have a Protecting God's Children certification.
Click here to email David Kubinski at dkubinsk@gmail.com, or, click here to call David at 734-748-4182 for more information.
Please click here to sign-up.
The Knights of Columbus Archdiocesan Free Throw Contest will be Sunday, February 16, 2025, starting at 1:30pm at St. John Neumann. This is for all winners of KofC District Free Throw contests. All volunteers must have a Protecting God's Children certification.
Click here to email Bill Corey at w.corey@mikofc.org, or, click here to call Bill at 313-563-1147 for more information.
Please click here to sign-up.
The next Corporate Communion for our Council will be Sunday, March 2, 2025, 10:30am. Fr. Paul will recognize the Knights of Columbus that are in attendance. Note that the Knights will be covering the service positions. Knights are asked to wear their KofC shirt (if you have one). Please bring the entire family to this special Mass!
This also marks the 10th Anniversary of the founding of our council. And, it will be Pancake Hospitality Sunday as well!
Please click here to sign-up.
The knights will be grilling and serving up pancakes on Sunday, March 2, 2025, at the Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am and 12:30pm masses. For these "pancake" masses, we need 8 to 10 people.
We will also be serving donuts and coffee after Saturday 4:30pm. We need 2 people for this.
This includes one brother to man our KofC information table.
Note that March 2, 2025, marks the 10th Anniversary of the founding of our council. We will be celebrating with Corporate Communion at the 10:30am Mass that day!
Please click here to sign-up.
The Spring MI Drive will be various dates in 2025. We will be taking donations for Tootsie Rolls at Resurrection and St. John Neumann after all week-end masses.
This is a great way to get family involved, including spouses and older children!
Click here to sign up to take donations after one of Resurrection's masses on April 5/6.
Click here to sign up to take donations after one of St. John Neumann's masses on April 12/13.
The St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring St. John Neumann Parish Golf Outing on Monday, June 23, 2025, at Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center, 8768 N Territorial Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 (click here for map).
Watch for more details!
The Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus are committed to protecting children and adults from harm. Protecting God's Children is a three hour workshop that helps individuals understand the commitment and actions needed to ensure a safe environment. Participating in the workshop is required for anyone that will be working with children and young adults.
Sessions can be found at www.virtusonline.org
To attend a workshop:
Council Leadership
Grand Knight:
Steve Sarlitto
Deputy GK:
Bill Springer
Financial Secretary:
John Lutz
Larry Redman
Program Director:
David Trost
Insurance Field Agent:
Thomas "TJ" McCully Jr.
Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Council Leadership
Facebook: Click here
Phone: 734.455.5910
Knights of Columbus Council #16169
c/o St. John Neumann Catholic Church 44800 Warren Ave Canton, MI 48187-1857 |
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of council #16169. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.
Web page visits: 2152
Copyright © Knights of Columbus Council 16169 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved