St. John Neumann Council #16169

Supported Programs

Building the Domestic Church

Since its founding, the Knights of Columbus has been involved in evangelization. In 1948, the Knights started Catholic Information Service (CIS) in response to blatant anti-Catholic bias in other religious media in order to educate non-Catholics about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church.

The Knights of Columbus of St. John Neumann have provided a Kiosk in the church that is filled with CIS Booklets. Knowing how frustrating it can be when the last booklet is taken (and before the kiosk can be restocked), an online, PDF version, of each of the booklets is available.

Clicking here will take you to the Knights of Columbus Supreme website CIS booklets. At this webpage, you can view or download, in PDF format, most of the CIS booklets available in the Kiosk.

Faith Activities

Building the Domestic Church Kiosk
Refund Support Vocations Program - Seminarian Nick Brown
Sacred Heart Major Seminary Scholarship Fund
SJN Memorial Wall
SJN Tabernacle Refurbishment
Men's Spiritual Reflection programs
Fifth Sunday Rosary programs
Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion
24 Hour Adoration
24 Hour Adoration Security
Consecration to the Holy Family
Stations of the Cross
9 Days for Life Novena
Purchase of liturgical objects and vestments for parish priests and deacon
Corpus Christi Procession
St. Vincent Pallotti Church renovation donation (in the Archdiocese of Bangalore, India this is the current parish of Fr. Theo D'Cunha, S.A.C., former associate pastor of SJN)

Family Activities

Cereal, Peanut Butter and Tuna Food Drive
SJN Food Pantry
Soup and Bread Suppers
SJN Hospitality Week-end
Consecration to the Holy Family
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest
Pancake Breakfasts
SJN Council Picnic
SJN KofC Golf Outing
Forgotten Harvest
Taste Fest Setup/Takedown

Community Activities

Blue Mass
Multiple Sclerosis Society
SJN Youth Group
SJN Parish Picnic
Teddy Bears for Canton Police and Fire
KofC Free Throw Contest
KofC Soccer Challenge
Forgotten Harvest
Mom2Mom Sale
Outdoor Christmas Church Decorating
Keep Christ in Christmas state billboard contribution
Baldwin Hall sound system replacement

Life Activities

UltraSound Initiative
Wee Care Baby Shower
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Holy Cross Services
Right to Life Candle Sales
Tootsie Roll/MI Drive
Special Olympics Car Show
Special Olympics Fall Games
Special Olympics Halloween Dance Party
Plymouth Canton Stars Special Olympics
St. Louis Center, Chelsea, housing for individuals with developmental disabilities
St. Francis Camp on the Lake for the Developmentally Disabled
SJN Parish AED
Memorial Crosses
Right to Life Petition Drive
Novena for Life
Sponsorship of Right to Life Organizations
Living Rosary
AAA Pregnancy Center
Elizabeth Foundation, aid to the disadvantaged in the Philippines
St. Dominic Outreach Center
Journey to Housing
SJN Fully automated AED

Other Fraternal Commitments

Visits to the sick
Visits to the bereaved
Blood donations
Masses for members

Council Leadership
Grand Knight: Steve Sarlitto
Deputy GK: Bill Springer
Financial Secretary: John Lutz
Membership: Larry Redman
Program Director: David Trost

Insurance Field Agent: Thomas "TJ" McCully Jr.

Webmaster: Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Council Leadership
Facebook: Click here
Knights of Columbus Council #16169
c/o St. John Neumann Catholic Church
44800 Warren Ave
Canton, MI 48187-1857

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of council #16169. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.

Web page visits: 680

Copyright © Knights of Columbus Council 16169 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved