St. John Neumann Council #16169

Knights in Action

Patriotic Rosary, September 18, 2024

On September 18, 2024, a Patriotic Rosary was said for the United States of America, the states as well as those in political office. Special prayers were included as well as a patriotic song after each decade of the Rosary. The Color Corps from Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 and St. Francis of Assisi was on hand to post and retrieve the colors before and after the Rosary. [09/18/2024]

2024 Parish Picnic

The Knights of Columbus were once again active at the SJN Parish Picnic on September 15, 2024. From grilling hot dogs and serving beer and soda, a great time was had by many. We also had visits from the Canton Fire Department and Police Department. A DJ, basketball hoops, candy walk, petting zoo and pony rides were also available. [09/15/2024]

Fr. Paul 25 Year Recognition

At the September 2024 council meeting, Fr. Paul Ballien was recognized as being a member of the Knights of Columbus for 25 years. Congratulations, Fr. Paul! [09/10/2024]

Past Grand Knight Recognition for PGK Chuck Lang

At the September 2024 Council meeting, brother and Worthy Past Grand Knight Chuck Lang received recognition for his service as Grand Knight from July 2022 through June 2024 from our Worthy Chaplain Fr. Paul, Worthy Grand Knight Steve Sarlitto, and Worthy District Deputy Dan Timmerman. [09/10/2024]

September 2024 Knight of the Month

At the September 2024 council meeting, brother Larry Redman was recognized as the September 2024 Knight of the Month. [09/10/2024]

September 2024 Family of the Month

At the September 2024 council meeting, the Don and Lorraine Zaksek family was recognized as the September 2024 Family of the Month. [09/10/2024]

Plymouth Fall Festival Rotary Club Chicken Dinner Help

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, brother knights from SJN Council 16169 once again helped the Plymouth Rotary Club serve chicken dinners in their annual fundraiser at the Plymouth Fall Festival. Knights helped with all aspects, including serving meals to hungry festival goers. [09/08/2024]

August 2024 Knight of the Month

At the August 2024 council meeting, brother Michael Pilotto was recognized as the August 2024 Knight of the Month. [08/13/2024]

August 2024 Family of the Month

At the August 2024 council meeting, the Cydney and Jeff Domsic family was recognized as the August 2024 Family of the Month. [08/13/2024]

July 2024 Family of the Month

At the August 2024 council meeting, the Mark and Cindy Oleszkowicz family was recognized as the July 2024 Family of the Month. [08/13/2024]

August 2024 Officer Installation

On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, District Deputy Dan Timmerman installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions. [08/13/2024]

Jim Korona Honorary Membership Recognition

At the July 2024 council meeting, brother Jim Korona was recognized at attaining Honorary status with the Knights of Columbus. Jim has been a member of the Knights for at least 25 years and at least 65 years of age. Congratulations, Jim! [07/09/2024]

July 2024 Knight of the Month

At the July 2024 council meeting, brother Bob Rugenski was recognized as the July 2024 Knight of the Month. [07/09/2024]

June 30, 2024, Corporate Communion and Fr. Paul Onyebuche Last Mass

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, our council had Corporate Communion and Fr. Paul Onyebuche celebrated his last Mass at SJN before retiring to Nigeria. Members of Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 Color Corps were also on hand for the event and present to Fr. Paul a Chalice that was passed on from Fr. Newhouse. Knights of Columbus council members and their families participated by taking on all the service roles during the mass. A reception for Fr. Paul O. was also held after all Masses. [06/30/2024]

2024 SJN Parish Golf Outing

On Monday, June 24, 2024, the St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus sponsored the St. John Neumann Parish Golf Outing at Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center in Plymouth. A great time was had by all that attended.

Note that this is but a fraction of all the pics taken during the event. To see all of the photos taken at the golf, please click here to see photos in the July Neumann's Knights newsletter. [06/24/2024]

June 2024 Knight of the Month

At the June 2024 council meeting, brother Marcel Loosbrock was recognized as the June 2024 Knight of the Month. [06/11/2024]

Welcome Brother Anthony Czajka

Please welcome St. John Neumann‘s newest member, Anthony Czajka. Anthony completed the exemplification at Kern council on Sunday, February 18th. Special thanks to Jeff Battistella, John Crabill, Mike Polovich, Dan Timmerman, and Hans Hansen for supporting Anthony at the ceremony. [02/23/2024]

June 2024 Family of the Month

At the June 2024 council meeting, the Deb Skotak family was recognized as the June 2024 Family of the Month. [01/09/2024]

2023 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Winners

Winners of the 2023 Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest were announced prior to the January 9, 2024, council meeting. Winners are:

  • Kindergarten Contest – Teddy Tallman
  • 1st & 2nd Grade Contest – Clare Smith
  • 3rd & 4th Grade Contest – Margaret Tallman
  • 5th & 6th Grade Contest – Sarah Pablo
Winners will move on to regional judging. [01/09/2024]

January 2024 Family of the Month

At the January 2024 council meeting, the Gerardo De La Torre family was recognized as the January 2024 Family of the Month. [01/09/2024]

January 2024 Knight of the Month

At the January 2024 council meeting, brother Marshall Grazioli was recognized as the January 2024 Knight of the Month. [01/09/2024]

2023-2024 Star Council Recognition

At the January 2024 business meeting, membership directory Larry Redman and district deputy Ed Hurst, Jr., were recognized for helping achieve Star Council. [01/04/2024]

September 2023 Knight of the Month

At the January 2024 business meeting, brother Bill Springer was recognized as the September 2023 Knight of the Month. [01/04/2024]

2023 December Council Meeting

On December 12, 2023, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was joined by State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec and his wife Julie as well as by State Treasurer Charles McCuen III. Recognition for Knight of the Month (Clinton Randall), Family of the Year (Ed Hurst, Jr. Family) and the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest winner (Marianne Vespa) occurred, as well as some special recognition for Frans Purwadihardja (service to the parish) and Noella Hurst (quick action to save Ed Hurst's life). The meeting was followed by dinner provided by the council officers. [12/12/2023]

2023 December Council Star Council Recognition

On December 12, 2023, St. John Neumann Council 16169 was recognized for once again achieving Star Council. State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec and District Deputy Dan Timmerman were on hand to present the award to Grand Knight Chuck Lang. This is the eighth year in a row the council has achieved Star Council. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Essay Contest Winner - Marianna Vespa

At the December 2023 Council Meeting, Marianna Vespa was recognized by the council for winning the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Special Recognition - Frans Purwadihardja

At the December 2023 Council Meeting, Frans Purwadihardja was recognized by the council for his faithful and humble service to St. John Neumann Parish ministries. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Special Recognition - Noella Hurst

At the December 2023 council meeting, Noella Hurst received special recognition for her quick thinking at the 2023 Summer Leadership Meeting that saved the life of her dad, Ed Hurst, Jr. [12/12/2023]

December 2023 Knight of the Month

At the December 2023 council meeting, brother Clinton Randall was recognized as the December 2023 Knight of the Month. [12/12/2023]

2023 Family of the Year - Ed Hurst, Jr. Family

At the December 2023 meeting, the Knights recognized Ed, Mary Alice, Noella and Jessica Hurst as Family of the Year.

The entire family does a lot for St. John Neumann and the Knights of Columbus. They are regularly seen around the church helping and being active.

Congratulations to the Ed Hurst, Jr. family! [12/12/2023]

SJN Wine Tasting Event, November 17, 2023

The First Annual SJN Wine Tasting Event was held on November 17, 2023, at St. John Neumann. Super Fine Wine provided the wine for the tasting. A great time was had by all! [11/17/2023]

November 2023 Knight of the Month

At the November 2023 council meeting, brother Marshall Grazioli was recognized as the November 2023 Knight of the Month. [11/14/2023]

November 2023 Family of the Month

At the November 2023 council meeting, the John and Roxanne Crabill family was recognized as the November 2023 Family of the Month. [11/14/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, December 14, 2023

On December 14, 2023, an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held at Our Lady of Good Council in Plymouth. The Traveling Degree Team did the exemplification.

St. John Neumann council welcomed one new brother knight. The State council hosted a great dinner after the ceremony, with TJ McCully doing a presentation on Fraternal Benefits. Welcome, brothers! [11/05/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, November 5, 2023

On November 5, 2023, an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held at Our Lady of Good Council in Plymouth. The Traveling Degree Team did the exemplification.

St. John Neumann council welcomes brother Knights Stephen (Steve) Piontek, Benard (Ben) Klinkhammer, Arthur (Art) Michalak, Robert (Bob) Godek, Keith DiMaria, Jim DiMaria, Luke Buehler and Mark Mueller. The State council hosted a great lunch after the ceremony, with TJ McCully doing a presentation on Fraternal Benefits. Welcome, brothers! [11/05/2023]

Coats for Kids, November 4, 2023

On November 4, 2023, Detroit area Knights and family members gathered at St. André Bessette in Ecorse to distribute free coats to children that might not otherwise have a warm coat for the winter. St. John Neumann council knights turned out for this event, helping to distribute hundreds of coats. The Knights of Columbus in Michigan were able to provide these new coats through the generosity of the councils in the state. [11/04/2023]

St. John Neumann Parish 2023 Fall Cleanup

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and other parish members participated in the fall clean-up of the church grounds. Flower beds were cleared and replanted, trees trimmed and general cleanup work was done to spruce up the landscaping. [11/04/2023]

Resurrection Parish 2023 Fall Cleanup

On Saturday, October 28, 2023, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus participated in the fall clean-up of the Resurrection Parish church grounds. Flower beds were cleared and replanted, trees trimmed and general cleanup work was done to spruce up the landscaping. [10/28/2023]

2023 Special Olympics Halloween Party

On Friday, October 27, 2023, members of our council helped to host a Halloween Dance for Canton Special Olympics team members. Members of the St. John Neumann's Women's Organization, as well some of the local Alhambra members, also pitched in to help. [10/27/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, October 25, 2023

On October 25, 2023, an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity was held with SJN welcoming its newest member, Lucas Montgomery. Welcome, brother Lucas! [10/25/2023]

SJN Rosary Rally, October 14, 2023

On October 14, 2023, members of St. John Neumann, including Knights of Columbus members, participated in a Rosary Rally to pray for the end of abortion and for the sanctity of life. [10/14/2023]

Years of Service Recognition

At the October 2023 general meeting, brother Leo Petretta was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [10/10/2023]

October 2023 Family of the Month

At the October 2023 council meeting, the Jim and Denise Pryce family was recognized as the October 2023 Family of the Month. [10/10/2023]

October 2023 Knight of the Month

At the October 2023 council meeting, brother Larry O'Hara was recognized as the October 2023 Knight of the Month. [10/10/2023]

2023 Parish Picnic

The Knights of Columbus were once again active at the SJN Parish Picnic on September 17, 2023. From cutting up watermelon to grilling hot dogs and serving beer and soda, a great time was had by many. We also had visits from the Canton Fire Department and Police Department. A bounce house and slide, a petting zoo and pony rides were also available. [09/17/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, August 10, 2023

On August 10, 2023, Council 16169 St. John Neumann held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann. Three new brothers were added to our fraternity: Tim Sopha, Dan Hankins and Mitchell Dimoff. Welcome, brothers! [08/10/2023]

August 2023 Special Recognition - Dennis Oszust

At the August 2023 council meeting, brother Dennis Oszust was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her being a trustee for 3 years. [08/08/2023]

August 2023 Special Recognition - GK Chuck Lang Double Star

At the August 2023 council meeting, Grand Knight Chuck Lange was recognized with a special shirt for attaining Double Star for the council for the 2022-2023 Fraternal Year. [08/08/2023]

August 2023 Knights of the Month

At the August 2023 council meeting, brothers George Peters and David Trost were recognized as the August 2023 Knights of the Month. [08/08/2023]

Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity, July 20, 2023

On July 20, 2023, Council 16169 St. John Neumann held an Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity at St. John Neumann. Three new brothers were added to our fraternity: Grant Lynn, George McPartin and Mark Oleszkowicz. Welcome, brothers! [07/20/2023]

July 2023 Special Recognition - Former District Deputy Brian Zahn

At the July 2023 council meeting, brother Brian Zahn received special recognition for his four years of service as a district deputy. Congratulations, Brian! [07/11/2023]

2023 State Free Throw Contest

On July 11, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 was joined by John Hundiak, community state program directer, to award the State Free Throw Championship trophy to Bryson Harper. Bryson was the winner for his age group. Congratulations, Bryson! [07/11/2023]

July 2023 Family of the Month

At the July 2023 council meeting, the Aashish Paul family was recognized as the July 2023 Family of the Month. [07/11/2023]

July 2023 Officer Installation

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023, District Deputy Dan Timmerman installed the Officers of St. John Neumann Council #16169 into their respective positions. [07/11/2023]

2023 SJN Parish Golf Outing

On Monday, June 26, the St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus sponsored the St. John Neumann Parish Golf Outing at Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center in Plymouth. A great time was had by all that attended, even though things were a little damp for some of the day.

Note that this is but a fraction of all the pics taken during the event. To see all of the photos taken at the golf, please click here. [06/26/2023]

June 2023 Special Thanks - Fr. Paulo

At the June 2023 council meeting, Fr. Paulo was thanked for being our associate paster with a set of Knights of Columbus vestments. On July 1, Fr. Paulo will become the pastor of St. John XXIII parish in Redford Township. [06/13/2023]

June 2023 Special Recognition - Brian Zahn

At the June 2023 council meeting, Brian Zahn was recognized with his Former District Deputy medal for 4 years of service as a district deputy. [06/13/2023]

June 2023 Knight of the Month

At the June 2023 council meeting, brother Gene Suchyta was recognized as the June 2023 Knight of the Month. [06/13/2023]

June 2023 Special Recognition - Cathy Redman

At the June 2023 council meeting, Cathy Redman was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her help with the 2023 Michigan State Raffle. [06/13/2023]

2023 Corpus Christi Mass and Procession

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, council knights and other parishioners participated in a procession following Corpus Christi Mass. The Rosary was said while Fr. Paul and Fr. Paulo carried the Monstrance with the Host. Additionally Sir Knights from Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 participated as well. [06/11/2023]

June 2023 Pancake Breakfast

On June 4, 2023, the St John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council # 16169 held a pancake breakfast after all morning masses. Proceeds from the breakfast support the good works the Knights at the church. [06/04/2023]

2023 State Convention

On Wednesday, May 24 through Friday, May 26, 2023, Knights of Columbus members from across the state joined together for the annual State Convention. Our very own Fr. Paul participated in a Eucharistic Procession from Saint Anne's Church to the Grand Hotel as well as all three convention Holy Masses. Our council was well represented by or grand knight, Chuck Lang, as well as past grand knight Ed Hurst, Jr. District master Gene Suchyta was the host master for the event. The State Board was joined this year by Mark McMullen, senior vice president for Membership & Marketing from the Supreme Council as well as vice supreme master Ed Ponder of the Fr. Louis Hennepin Province. [05/26/2023]

St. John Neumann Blue Mass, Tuesday, May 16, 2023

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, members of the Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 Color Corps (with members from our SJN council) participated in the 11:00am Blue Mass held at St. John Neumann in Canton. About a dozen first responders were at the mass held to honor those that put their life on the line for the community every day. SJN provided refreshments for everyone after the Mass. "To Go" lunch from Firehouse Subs was provided for the first responders courtesy of the council and the assembly. [05/16/2023]

Right-To-Life Cross Setup

On Saturday morning, May 11, 2023, members of St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus and others setup right-to-life crosses at St. John Neumann. [05/11/2023]

New Member Welcome

On May 10, 2023, our council welcomed 7 new members to St. John Neumann Council #16169 and one new member to Fr. Victor J. Renaud council 3292. Welcome to brothers Daniel Sullivan, Conley (Vance) Poole, Vincent Kotcher, Matey Polin, Bill Dierker, Jeff McGovern and Brian Betz. Congratulations and welcome! [05/10/2023]

May 2023 Special Recognition - Pam Sarlitto

At the May 2023 council meeting, Pam Sarlitto was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her help with the 2023 Michigan State Raffle. [05/09/2023]

Years of Service Recognition

At the May 2023 general meeting, brothers Julius Pablo was recognized for 5 years of service with the Knights of Columbus. [05/09/2023]

May 2023 Family of the Month

At the May 2023 council meeting, the Brian and Kelly Zahn family was recognized as the May 2023 Family of the Month. [05/09/2023]

May 2023 Knight of the Month

At the May 2023 council meeting, brother Keith Lauren was recognized as the May 2023 Knight of the Month. [05/09/2023]

Fourth Degree News

At the April 11 membership meeting, Faith Navigator Ed Hurst Jr. of Pope John XXIII assembly 1536 presented certificates and recognized two brother knights from our council. SK Larry Redman was recognized as Sir Knight of the Month for October 2022, and Sir Knight Ron Rathbun was recognized as Sir Knight of the month of February 2023. Sir Knight Ron Budzicz was recognized and presented with a class picture of his exemplification. [04/11/2023]

New Treasurer Elected

At the April 2023 meeting, Joe Bradley was elected and installed as the new council treasurer, filling the vacant position until the end of the 2022-2023 fraternal year. [04/11/2023]

April 2023 Family of the Month

At the April 2023 council meeting, the Marcia and John Safran family was recognized as the April 2023 Family of the Month. [04/11/2023]

April 2023 Knight of the Month

At the April 2023 council meeting, brother Steve Polidori was recognized as the April 2023 Knight of the Month. [04/11/2023]

But Wait! There's More!

Didn't see a picture and you know we took it? We have photos going back for as long as the council has been in exsistence, so click here to see all the recognition we have given over the years!

Council Leadership
Grand Knight: Steve Sarlitto
Deputy GK: Bill Springer
Financial Secretary: John Lutz
Membership: Larry Redman
Program Director: David Trost

Insurance Field Agent: Thomas "TJ" McCully Jr.

Webmaster: Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Council Leadership
Facebook: Click here
Knights of Columbus Council #16169
c/o St. John Neumann Catholic Church
44800 Warren Ave
Canton, MI 48187-1857

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of council #16169. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.

Web page visits: 2001

Copyright © Knights of Columbus Council 16169 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved